Kids Furniture & Décor

Kids Furniture & Décor

Kids Furniture & Décor

  • Little Dutch - Activity play mat Flowers and Butterflies - Cucutoys Little Dutch - Activity play mat Flowers and Butterflies - Cucutoys
    Free + 0 months

    Little Dutch - Activity play mat Flowers and Butterflies...


    Encourage your little one's exploration and curiosity with this play mat. They'll be tempted to move, reach out and grab the hanging soft toys. The super-soft rug is shaped like a flower and its aesthetic is inspired by the Flowers and Butterflies collection.The soft toys are a pair of butterflies, a flower with a mirror and a pair of birds.Recommended...

    79,95 €
  • Play & Go - Saco y manta de juego Classic Negro Play & Go - Saco y manta de juego Classic Negro
    Free + 0 months

    Play & Go - Saco y manta de juego Classic Negro


    Con este saco de almacenaje Play & Go el tener el baño con la bolsa de pañales fea del súper es cosa del pasado. También puedes usarla como mantita de juegos, como saco de almacenaje para guardar los pañales y hasta como bolsa de paseo, para colgarla del carrito del bebé o del hombro, gracias a su correa...

    69,90 €
  • Scratch, mesa infantil, decoración fondo del mar Scratch, mesa infantil, decoración fondo del mar
    Free + 2 years old

    Scratch - mesa infantil, decoración fondo del mar y Pez...


    Todo cuarto para peques necesita una mesa infantil como esta, fabricada con madera y materiales naturales. Los peques necesitan pintar, jugar, experimentar, probar, montar y desmontar, y una mesa en el cuarto les será de mucha ayuda. Para iniciarles en la lectura, es importante que tengan un sitio adecuado para poder hacer sus actividades. Esta...

    65,00 €
  • Djeco - Pegatinas de techo Mission Espace Djeco - Pegatinas de techo Mission Espace
    + All ages

    Djeco - Pegatinas de techo Mission Espace


    62 pegatinas espaciales para pegarlas en el techo que brillan en la oscuridad.8 modelos: estrellas grandes, medianas y pequeñas, planetas, cohetes, naves espaciales, platillos volantes, y ¡hasta alienígenas!Incluye los adhesivos.Quedan genial como complemento de decoración en cualquier cuarto infantil.

    11,90 €
  • Moulin Roty - Musical Lion Paprika - Sous Mon Baobab Moulin Roty - Musical Lion Paprika - Sous Mon Baobab
    + 0 months

    Moulin Roty - Musical Lion Paprika - Sous Mon Baobab


    Ideal for soothing your baby at bedtime, this cuddly musical lion cuddly toy will be quickly adopted by your little one. His name is Paprika, a sweet lion from the new "Sous mon baobab" collection by Moulin Roty.When you pull the yellow button under Paprika's tail, a soft melody will transport your little one to dreamland. Your child's ears will be...

    39,90 €
  • Moulin Roty - Linterna-proyector de historias - Bajo mi Baobab Moulin Roty - Linterna-proyector de historias - Bajo mi Baobab
    + 4 years old

    Moulin Roty - Linterna-proyector de historias - Jungla


    Sumérjete en tres mundos diferentes con el producto estrella de Moulin Roty. Descubre tres cuentos infantiles con los personajes de La gran Familia para contar a los peques antes de irse a dormir. Junto al río El koala hambriento Entrega especial Ideal para llevar de viaje y contar el cuento de buenas noches...

    14,90 €
  • Scratch, silla infantil decoración pez Maurice Scratch, silla infantil decoración pez Maurice
    + 2 years old

    Scratch - silla infantil decoración pez Maurice


    Todo cuarto para peques necesita una silla infantil como esta, fabricada con madera y materiales naturales. Los peques necesitan pintar, experimentar, probar, montar y desmontar, y una mesa con silla en el cuarto les será de mucha ayuda. También para iniciarles en la lectura, es importante que tengan un sitio adecuado para poder hacer...

    42,90 €
  • Moulin Roty - Storybook Torch Perro apestoso (Stinkie Dog) - Cucutoys
    + 4 years old

    Moulin Roty - Storybook Torch Perro apestoso (Stinkie...


    Storybook torch with Perro Apestoso (Stinking Dog) characters. What adventures will they be running today?Easy to use: Place the disc in the slot, turn on the flashlight, adjust the focus with the knob to make it look sharp and you're ready to project the images on the wall or ceiling!Rotate the disc with your fingers to play the images while you make up...

    14,90 €
  • Moulin Roty - Storybook torch set Cornebidouille Moulin Roty - Storybook torch set Cornebidouille
    + 4 years old

    Moulin Roty - Storybook torch set Fourteen mice


    Enjoy these five stories of the fourteen mice with your little ones in an original and different format: with the Moulin Roty projector torch, you can tell them in bed, just before going to sleep, or on the same book-screen. A new house for fourteen mice Breakfast for fourteen mice The fourteen mice wash in the river Fourteen mice go on a...

    23,90 €
  • Moulin Roty - Musical box - Après la pluie - Cucutoys Moulin Roty - Musical box - Après la pluie - Cucutoys
    + 3 years old

    Moulin Roty - Musical box - Après la pluie - Cucutoys


    Musical box illustrated with delicate designs by Lucille Michieli.Open the box and watch the cat turn round and round with her cotton reel, to the sound of a gentle melody.There's also a small drawer at the side for precious little secrets.Material: MDF, plastic.Surface washable with a humid sponge.Product dimensions: 10,5 x10,5 x 8,5 cm.Age: 3+

    32,90 €
  • Moulin Roty - Storybook Torch Paulie's adventures Moulin Roty - Storybook Torch Paulie's adventures
    + 4 years old

    Moulin Roty - Storybook Torch Paulie's adventures


    Story lantern with pictures of the characters from Paulie's Adventures - what will happen to them today?Very easy to use: Place the disc in the slot, turn on the torch, adjust the focus with the screw thread to make it look sharp and it's ready to project the images on the wall or on the ceiling! Turn the disc with your fingers to scroll through the...

    14,90 €
  • Djeco - Pegatinas de techo Mission Espace Djeco - Pegatinas de techo Mission Espace
    + All ages

    Djeco - Pegatinas de techo Mission Espace


    62 pegatinas espaciales para pegarlas en el techo que brillan en la oscuridad.8 modelos: estrellas grandes, medianas y pequeñas, planetas, cohetes, naves espaciales, platillos volantes, y ¡hasta alienígenas!Incluye los adhesivos.Quedan genial como complemento de decoración en cualquier cuarto infantil.

    11,90 €
  • Moulin Roty - Storybook Torch Trois Petits Lapins Moulin Roty - Storybook Torch Trois Petits Lapins
    + 4 years old

    Moulin Roty - Storybook Torch Trois Petits Lapins


    Story lantern with the images of the Trois Petits Lapins characters. What will happen to them today?Very easy to use: Place the disc in the slot, turn on the torch, adjust the focus with the screw to make it look sharp and it's ready to project the images on the wall or on the ceiling! Turn the disc with your fingers to scroll through the images while you...

    14,90 €
  • Moulin Roty - Discs L'école des loisir Moulin Roty - Discs L'école des loisir
    + 4 years old

    Moulin Roty - Discs L'école des loisir


    You can now collect all the discs of the lanterns-projector stories of L'école des loisir!!!Valid for any lantern. Includes 3 discs with 3 stories from each collectionChoose the model you like the most, and...Make the complete collection with all 8 stories!Generations of booksellers, teachers, librarians, mediators and readers, all advocates of...

    7,90 €
  • Moulin Roty - Musical Snowfball- Le Voyage d'Olga Moulin Roty - Musical Snowfball- Le Voyage d'Olga
    + 3 years old

    Moulin Roty - Musical Snowfball- Le Voyage d'Olga


    Musical snow globe featuring Olga and her little geese sprinkled with golden glitter! As well as decorating the nursery, its sweet melody will settle baby at bedtime.Material: Plastic, resin, distilled water, polypropylene glicolSurface washable with a humid sponge. Product dimensions: 11 x 13,5 cmAge: 3+

    37,90 €
  • Moulin Roty - Storybook Torch Perro apestoso II (Stinkie Dog) - Cucutoys Moulin Roty - Storybook Torch Perro apestoso II (Stinkie Dog) - Cucutoys
    + 4 years old

    Moulin Roty - Storybook Torch Perro apestoso II (Stinkie...


    Segunda linterna de historias con más aventuras de los personajes de Perro apestoso. ¿Que les pasará hoy?Muy fácil de usar: Coloca el disco en la ranura, enciende la linterna,  ajusta el foco con la rosca para que se vea nítido y ya está lista para proyectar las imágenes en la pared o en el...

    14,90 €
  • Lilliputiens - Letra I del alfabeto, de tela
    + All ages

    Lilliputiens - Letra I del alfabeto, de tela


    ¿Y este cuarto de quién es?Decora las paredes o la puerta del cuarto de los peques con estas divertidas letras super coloridas de tela de altísiima calidad, sólo como Lilliputiens sabe hacerlo.Elige el lado que más te gusta y mejor combina con el resto de las letras.Dos detalles simpáticos: ¡las letras...

    2,00 €
  • Lilliputiens - Cinta de tela para letras del alfabeto Lilliputiens - Cinta de tela para letras del alfabeto
    + All ages

    Lilliputiens - Cinta de tela para letras del alfabeto


    El mejor accesorio para colgar las letras de Lilliputiens de tela es esta cinta de 1 metro de largo, justo de la medida para colgar tu nombre favorito.Con sitio suficiente para colgar hasta 14 letras de forma holgada y que quede genial. Justo a la medida de los lazos de donde se cuelgan las letras. Con el logo de Lilliputiens impreso en verde.

    1,00 €
  • Plantoys - Movil de madera colorido en tonos pastel Plantoys - Movil de madera colorido en tonos pastel
    + All ages



    Plantoys - Movil de madera colorido en tonos pastel


    Decora la habitación de tu hijo con este precioso móvil de madera natural en tonos pastel. Ideal para colgar encima de la cuna.

    22,95 €
  • Lilliputiens - Marius el rinoceronte, cojín de actividades Lilliputiens - Marius el rinoceronte, cojín de actividades
    Free + 0 months

    Lilliputiens - Plush Marius the Rhino 50 cm


    The whole animal family of Lilliputiens knows that Marius is a great rhinoceros.Well, this cuddly toy is big, but really big!A sweet companion that your child will love to cuddle, soft and beautifully coloured, that easily fits in with the decor of the room.A very original gift that will leave little ones with their mouths open.Measurements: 50 x 90 cm

    71,99 €
  • Scratch, silla infantil decoración abeja Billie Scratch, silla infantil decoración abeja Billie
    + 2 years old

    Scratch - silla infantil decoración abeja Billie


    Todo cuarto para peques necesita una silla infantil como esta, fabricada con madera y materiales naturales. Los peques necesitan pintar, experimentar, probar, montar y desmontar, y una mesa con silla en el cuarto les será de mucha ayuda. También para iniciarles en la lectura, es importante que tengan un sitio adecuado para poder hacer...

    42,90 €
  • Lilliputiens - Letra L del alfabeto, de tela

    Lilliputiens - Letra L del alfabeto, de tela


    ¿Y este cuarto de quién es?Decora las paredes o la puerta del cuarto de los peques con estas divertidas letras super coloridas de tela de altísiima calidad, sólo como Lilliputiens sabe hacerlo.Dos detalles simpáticos: ¡las letras vocales tienen a un personaje de Lilliputiens, y algunas letras tienen el reverso con...

    2,00 €
  • Moulin Roty - Musical Snowfball - Après la pluie - Cucutoys Moulin Roty - Musical Snowfball - Après la pluie - Cucutoys
    + 3 years old

    Moulin Roty - Musical snow globe - Three little rabbits


    Snow globe featuring 2 bunnies and friends in the garden, sitting on a mushroom and surrounded by holographic glitter. Includes a soothing melody.Material: Plastic, resin, distilled water, polypropylene glicol.Surface washable with a humid sponge.Product dimensions: 11 x 13,5 cm.Age: 3+

    39,90 €

What is children's decoration and why is it so important?

When you are young you have many specific needs, and a very important one is to have your own space. That's why having your own room with your own things adapted to your needs and ways of being is crucial.

We are not only talking about toys that match their age needs, we also have to deliver all kinds of deco accessories and furniture.
That's why you can find them here in their favorite color, not just blue or pink! It shouldn't be like an adult's room, but adapted to the child's age (you should carefully consider the space needed even for the baby trolley for your own comfort). Think also about adding fun and cheerful vinyls to the walls.

What should our children's decoration looks like?

Furniture for a child's room must be adapted to his or her age so that they can't get hurt, and also must be adapted to his or her height and strength. That's why a kid-sized table or chair is very important.

At Cucutoys we just have the right deco and children's furniture that fits your needs and will enchant the little ones. Small, colorful tables to do their homework, arts & crafts, reading or just play.

A chair by the table will be the ideal companion. Can you imagine? A multitude of games can be made and they will begin to develop behaviors imitating yourself.

At Cucutoys we have many accessories for a children's room!

We are not only talking about furniture for the little ones, but we also have accessories that will be very important to them and to which they will become very fond.

Items such as activity cushions for babies, while they are still in their crib or in a barrier bed, will also serve as a stop or protection! And don't forget the baby night lights, fun and cheerful (and also relaxing) spotlights and small night lights to keep them accompanied at bedtime. A wall painted white is ideal for projecting the images of the flashlight image projector.

But they grow up so fast! That's why we also have items to measure their height and that also serve to decorate and give that special detail to your favorite room.

At Cucutoys we have all the accessories and toys online to make your room or our house your home and feel very comfortable. Have you see all of our children's items yet?
Please do not hesitate to contact us about your purchase/delivery and our product catalog.


Have you chosen everything you need yet?