The Lilliputiens Joe Friction Car is an adorable and fun pram, perfect for babies and toddlers. It is made of soft, quilted fabric, with embroidered details and bright colours. It has a friction mechanism that allows it to move forward when pushed backwards to "pick up speed" A great gift for any occasion that will bring hours of entertainment...
The Lilliputiens Alice Friction Stroller is an adorable and fun car, perfect for babies and toddlers. It is made of soft, quilted fabric, with embroidered details and bright colours. It has a friction mechanism that allows it to move forward when pushed backwards to "pick up speed" A great gift for any occasion that will bring hours of...
The Lilliputiens Stella Friction Stroller is an adorable and fun car, perfect for babies and toddlers. It is made of soft, quilted fabric, with embroidered details and bright colours. It has a friction mechanism that allows it to move forward when pushed backwards to "pick up speed" A great gift for any occasion that will bring hours of entertainment...
The car transport truck with trailer will not go unnoticed. Unfold the trailer and the 4 cars included with the truck can drive off. This truck will keep your little one entertained, and is a great addition to the car collection at home.Recommended age: 18 months and upDimensions: 40 x 8 x 13,5 cm.
Haz sonar las alarmas, rescata a los gatitos de lo más alto de los árboles y protege de daños el medio ambiente con este fantástico Coche de Bomberos. Sus grandes ruedas no tienen problemas para atravesar cualquier terreno. Una gran escalera que sube, baja y gira 360 grados para acceder con facilidad a cualquier ventana....
Entretenido y muy divertido, este circuito para coches de madera que nos trae Scratch desde Bélgica fomenta en los pequeños la motricidad fina, la agudeza visual, la compresión causa-efecto, etc... mientras ellos se lo pasan estupendamente tirando los 3 cochecitos de vivos colores por las deslizantes rampas. ¿Por qué...
This wooden train set from Little Dutch is illustrated with aquatic animals and little plants from the Ocean collection. With the blocks in different shapes and cool, modern colours, you can make different convoys. The train consists of 17 pieces in total and has a length of ± 45 cm. This classic toy will remain fun to play with for many years to...
Todo para el cuidado para los vehículos a motor. Este garaje de 2 plantas hará las delicias de los peques: llena los depósitos, lava los coches en su lavado automático, cámbiales el aceite o remólcalos en la grúa. Todo ello construido en cartón reciclado.
¡A disfrutar del agua en la bañera! ¡Ayuda a las personas en el mar con este bote guardacostas! Llevatelo al rio, a la piscina o a la playa sin miedo, está fabricado con PlanWood, un material realizado a partir de virutas de madera prensadas que resistirán todo lo que le eches. PlanToys nos trae desde Tailandia esta...
PlanToys nos trae desde Thailandia este Pollito Piloto. Un coche de carreras por la sostenibilidad. Fabricado con madera sostenible y serrín prensado, este juguete 100% ecológico ayudará a los más pequeños a desarrollar la imaginación, la motricidad fina y el lenguaje. Sus llamativos colores invinta al...
The Anglia is a faithful reproduction of the Weasley's Muggle Weasley's spellbinding Muggle car. The little ones will love flying it through the air or trying to race it along the tracks, right in front of the Hogwarts Express. Who doesn't remember the scene in "Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets", where Harry and Ron are flying back to Hogwarts in...
¿Necesitas ayuda para transportar una gran carga mientras ayudas a salvar el planeta? ¡Los juguetes ecológicos como el volquete pequeño están listos para funcionar! ¡Más pequeño y manejable que su hermano mayor, el camión volquete! El...
B. Toys brings us the detachable aeroplane, a perfect toy for aviation lovers.Do you have an aeroplane fanatic at home ? If they love to pretend being a pilot, then the B. Toys take-apart airplane is the perfect toy for your little ones!Ecological and sustainable, this plane is made of recycled plastic. It has 27 pieces that the little...
3... 2... 1... GO! The little ones will have a great time watching the rolling flowers run down the hill, over and over again. Which one runs the furthest?Includes wooden ramp and 4 round wooden flowers.Recommended age: 18 months and up.Dimensions: 28 x 28 x 10 cm.
B. Toys brings us the detachable crane truck, a perfect toy for construction enthusiasts.If they love to play at moving sand around, then the B. Toys detachable crane truck is the perfect toy for your little ones!Ecological and sustainable, this detachable crane truck is made of recycled plastic. It has 31 parts that the little ones can assemble and...
Does anyone need help? The Little Dutch emergency services are on their way! With these special vehicles, children learn to work together and offer help to others through symbolic play. The set consists of an ambulance, a police car and a fire engine made of sturdy wood.Recommended age: 12 months and upDimensions: 47 x 36.2 x 38 cm.
Little Dutch presents its wooden train set from the Christmas special.This system is compatible and combinable with Everearth's 8-track, or with Little Dutch's 9-vehicle set.Also includes 10 wooden Christmas decoration pieces and 3 cardboard snow/earth pieces.Dimensions: 60 x 45 cm.Recommended age: 18 months and up
Djeco's Crazy Motors cars are miniature metal toys in 1:43 scale and are made in France. They are designed for children from 3 years old and are perfect for their motor and cognitive development.You can mount your Crazy Motors cars on top of the tow truck and take them to the garage in comfort!The Crazy Motors prams are a fun and educational toy,...
Do your little ones dream of travelling the world surfing? Then the Wonder Wheels motorhome is the perfect toy for them.This colourful motorhome has everything they need for their own adventures. The roof opens up to give them access to the interior, where they'll find enough space for 4 people to check out the day's plan with your coffee and camera at...
These cars run like hell!On the dirt floor in the park, on waxed parquet or terrazzo at home, on the pavements in the street or even as a water toy, its texture is ideal for the little ones' little hands.It is made of 100% plastic from recycled milk bottles, so if the car gets stained while playing, you can even put it in the dishwasher!Available in...