Educational toys are essential for children’s development, as play is one of the primary ways they learn during childhood. Through fun activities, kids enhance their cognitive, motor, and social skills, laying the foundation for their future.
At Cucutoys, we specialize in high-quality educational toys designed for every stage of growth. From baby toys that stimulate their first senses and expressions to board games that encourage logic, strategic thinking, and teamwork.
Djeco brings us this Purple Flash sports watch, with 2 clearly separated dials (one for the hours and one for the minutes) and 3 fine hands for easy reading of the time. A sporty and elegant purple watch with a dial and rotating bezel, so you can time your runs.The Japanese Miyota 2035 mechanism makes the hands move silently. Shockproof case, water...
Djeco brings us this cheetah-shaped educational clock, with 2 clearly separated dials (one for the hours and one for the minutes) and 3 fine hands for easy reading of the time. The Japanese Miyota 2035 mechanism makes the hands move silently. Shockproof case, water resistant to 3 bar. Powered by one SR626SW Sony battery (included).Contents: 1 quartz...
Djeco brings us this educational clock, with Cat design, glows in the dark, with 2 clearly separated dials (one for the hours and one for the minutes) and 3 fine hands for easy reading of the time. The Japanese Miyota 2035 mechanism makes the hands move silently. Shockproof case, water resistant to 3 bar. Powered by one SR626SW Sony battery...
Djeco brings us this educational clock, with Mouse design, glows in the dark, with 2 clearly separated dials (one for the hours and one for the minutes) and 3 fine hands for easy reading of the time. The Japanese Miyota 2035 mechanism makes the hands move silently. Shockproof case, water resistant to 3 bar. Powered by one SR626SW Sony battery...
Djeco brings us this educational clock, with Heart design, glows in the dark, with 2 clearly separated dials (one for the hours and one for the minutes) and 3 fine hands for easy reading of the time. The Japanese Miyota 2035 mechanism makes the hands move silently. Shockproof case, water resistant to 3 bar. Powered by one SR626SW Sony battery...
Djeco brings us this Flash Blue sports watch, with 2 clearly separated dials (one for the hours and one for the minutes) and 3 fine hands for easy reading of the time. A sporty and elegant dark blue watch with a dial and rotating bezel, so you can time your runs.The Japanese Miyota 2035 mechanism makes the hands move silently. Shockproof...
Djeco brings us this Stadium Hero sports watch, with 2 clearly separated dials (one for the hours and one for the minutes) and 3 fine hands for easy reading of the time. A sporty and elegant blue watch with a dial and rotating bezel, so you can time your runs.The Japanese Miyota 2035 mechanism makes the hands move silently. Shockproof case,...
Djeco brings us this digital watch Sweet Liberty, with 4 side buttons, with stopwatch and night illumination, to be able to time your races even at night.Shockproof case, water resistant up to 5 bar. Powered by a Sony SR626SW battery (included).Product dimensions: 21.5 x 3.2 x 0.8 cm.Contents: 1 watch with adjustable fabric strap (battery included). 1...
Djeco brings us this educational clock, with Raccoon design, glows in the dark, with 2 clearly separated dials (one for the hours and one for the minutes) and 3 fine hands for easy reading of the time. The Japanese Miyota 2035 mechanism makes the hands move silently. Shockproof case, water resistant to 3 bar. Powered by one SR626SW Sony battery...
Djeco brings us this digital watch Green Snakes, with 4 side buttons, with stopwatch and night illumination, to be able to time your races even at night.Shockproof case, water resistant up to 5 bar. Powered by a Sony SR626SW battery (included).Product dimensions: 21.5 x 3.2 x 0.8 cm.Contents: 1 watch with adjustable fabric strap (battery included). 1...
Djeco brings us this cooperative board game to play all against the wolf. Here, either we all win, or we all learn.Try to build the brick house before the wolf arrives and put the 3 little pigs in the pot!Why do we like it? It fuels the imagination. Encourages sociability and cooperation Recommended age: 5-9 years.Number of players: 2 to 4Playing...
Djeco nos trae este juego de mesa cooperativo para jugar todos contra el viento. Aquí o todos ganamos, o todos aprendemos. ¡Intentad recoger el ganado antes de que el viento tire el puente y no se pueda llegar al establo!¿Por qué nos gusta? Potencia la habilidad y la motricidad fina Fomenta la sociabilidad Edad...
These little bees need help getting back to their hive! But be careful! You can't touch them with your fingers or they'll sting you. Use the tweezers to put each one in its place.PlanToys brings us this educational game from Thailand so that children can improve their eye-hand coordination and fine motor skills while using their imagination and matching...
¿Se te resiste la tabla del 7? ¡Nunca más con el 3 x 4=¡Zas! ¡Calcular, calcular y agarrar los matamoscas! ¿Quién es el más rápido en cazar la mosca? ¿Que las tablas de multiplicar son aburridas? ¡Agarra el matamoscas y verás! Cuando todos intentan golpear...
Djeco nos trae esta práctica caja con cierre y con 83 letras magnéticas de madera. En un formato ideal para llevarlo de viaje, pueden jugar a hacer palabras y frases cortas, y cuando han terminado, se cierra en su propia caja con cierre metálico y, ¡ya está listo para llevar!También es muy útil si los...
Todo el mundo preparado! Los semáforos están a punto de apagarse! ¡Los coches se preparan para correr la carrera! Avanzarás cuando consigas el mismo color que tu coche tirando los dados. En cada tirada puedes llegar a avanzar hasta seis casillas, si sabes combinar y por supuesto, tienes suerte con los dados....
Djeco nos trae este juego de observación y de rapidez. Coger la manzana, aplastar el mosquito o poner la abeja sobre la flor son las acciones inmediatas que hay que realizar para ganar, así que estáte atento, concéntrate y ponte a ello.¿Por qué nos gusta? Potencia la observación y la rapidez Fomenta la...
Esta noche dará comienzo la misión secreta «Amón Ra». El equipo, compuesto por cuatro agentes secretos muy astutos, entrará a robar en el museo y descifrará los complicados códigos del dispositivo de seguridad gracias a cálculos muy precisos. Con sumas, restas, multiplicaciones o divisiones,...
Un divertido juego de memoria sonora para pequeños aventureros de 3 a 6 años.Pulsa una flor y abre bien las orejas:¿Reconoces el animalito que hace este ruido?Pues ahora levanta la carta correspondiente... ¡si aciertas te la quedas!Gana el que mejor oido tenga y más cartas consiga al final de la partidaContenido: 1...
Miedo, Tristeza, Rabia y Alegría. Con cuatro cabezas de formas geométricas diferentes para expresar las 4 emociones básicas, este juguete ofrece diferentes experiencias táctiles y auditivas. Puedes atornillar las piernas de dos formas distintas para que el robot este de pie o sentado. Con la nariz de un color...
Un entretenido y divertido juego de viaje en lata para llevar a cualquier parte.9 piezas de madera natural redondeadas para que no tengan bordes ni aristas y puedan jugar con toda la seguridad.Un puzzle entretenido con sólo 9 piezas en forma de "L" para formar un cubo en 3 dimensiones. ¡Multiples posibilidades!¿Por qué nos...
At Cucutoys, we select safe, eco-friendly, and durable toys, made with high-quality materials that meet all child safety regulations. They are perfect for home, school, or to take on trips in a backpack.
Browse our selection by age and find the perfect toy for every child. Shall we learn through play? Discover the collection at Cucutoys!