Push & Pull

There are 13 products.
  • Ludi - Mi perro saltarín azul Ludi - Mi perro saltarín azul
    + 10 months old

    Ludi - Mi perro saltarín azul


    A medida que un niño crece, los niños querrán jugar a montarse encima del perro saltarín. Puedes usar un rotulador para ponerle el nombre en el pañuelo personalizable o en la tripita del perro. ¡Este perro es muy tranquilo, pero saltará tanto como su dueño quiera! ¡Así sí...

    37,50 €
  • Plantoys - Arrastre de madera, Caracol de paseo Plantoys - Arrastre de madera, Caracol de paseo
    + 1 year old



    Plantoys - Arrastre de madera, Caracol de paseo


    Con un bamboleo constante acompañando al peque, este arrastre en forma de caracol es un compañero fantástico para los primeros paseos de los peques. Tiene un movimiento muy realista y parecido al que hace un caracol de verdad al caminar. Un juguete duradero, que seguro que conocerá a más de un...

    26,50 €
  • PlanToys - Correpasillos-Andador con pájaros y bloques de madera PlanToys - Correpasillos-Andador con pájaros y bloques de madera
    Free + 10 months old



    PlanToys - Correpasillos-Andador con pájaros y bloques de...


    Plantoys nos trae desde Tailandia este carrito andador con dos pájaros que van picoteando a la vez que el peque lo empuja, animándole a no parar de andar. Contiene también un conjunto de 16 piezas de madera de formas geométricas para que una vez decida pararse, siempre tenga a mano uno de sus juguetes preferidos: las...

    110,00 €
  • Plantoys - Andador de madera, roller de colores Plantoys - Andador de madera, roller de colores
    + 1 year old



    Plantoys - Andador de madera, roller de colores


    PlanToys nos trae desde Tailandia este andador de madera 100% ecológico y sostenible con un bonito diseño de tambor de colores que seguro hará las delicias de los pequeños. Los peques quedarán fascinados por el sonido que hacen las bolas de madera maciza dentro del tambor al girar y chocar con las tablitas de...

    32,90 €
  • Vilac - Coche correpasillos vintage azul cielo, juguete clásico
    Free + 18 months old

    Vilac - Coche correpasillos vintage azul cielo, juguete...


    ¡Quién no se ha imaginado montando un correpasillos como este yendo de un lado al otro de la casa, con cara de velocidad, gafas antiguas y un casco de cuero!Vilac nos trae este correpasillos vintage, imitando a los coches de época, todo de metal, de color azul cielo y decorado con el "1".A partir de los 18 meses, hasta los 3...

    132,90 €
  • Ludi - Mi perro saltarín azul Ludi - Mi perro saltarín azul
    + 10 months old

    Ludi - Mi perro saltarín azul


    A medida que un niño crece, los niños querrán jugar a montarse encima del perro saltarín. Puedes usar un rotulador para ponerle el nombre en el pañuelo personalizable o en la tripita del perro. ¡Este perro es muy tranquilo, pero saltará tanto como su dueño quiera! ¡Así sí...

    34,95 €
  • Ambosstoys - Moto Scooter Vespa Primo Classic Pink Ambosstoys - Moto Scooter Vespa Primo Classic Pink
    Free + 1 year old

    Ambosstoys - Moto Scooter Vespa Primo Classic Pink


    PRIMO scooters combine classic Italian scooter design with the finest craftsmanship to create a timeless ride-on. The chassis is made from solid sheet metal, hand-welded from several individual parts, to ensure it is built to the highest quality and longevity, and the soft seat is upholstered in faux leather for comfort and a vintage look.Why do we like...

    249,00 €
  • PlanToys - Arrastre Cocodrilo Arcoiris, juguete de madera PlanToys - Arrastre Cocodrilo Arcoiris, juguete de madera
    + 1 year old


    Out of stock

    PlanToys - Arrastre Cocodrilo Arcoiris, juguete de madera


    ¿Cómo hace el cocodrilo?... Clac Clac Clac! Este gracioso cocodrilo hace un divertido clac clac al caminar, cuando sus costillas golpean arriba y abajo, y su cuerpo se contonea al ritmo del sonido. PlanToys nos trae desde Tailandia la tercera edición de su famoso y aclamado cocodrilo bailarín, un juguete de arrastre 100%...

    26,50 €
  • Little Dutch - Vintage walker wagon Little Dutch - Vintage walker wagon
    Free + 1 year old


    Out of stock

    Little Dutch - Vintage walker wagon


    34 x 26,5 x 45 cm

    52,95 €
  • Little Dutch - Multi-activity baby walker Flower and Butterflies Little Dutch - Multi-activity baby walker Flower and Butterflies
    Free + 1 year old


    Out of stock

    Little Dutch - Multi-activity baby walker Flower and...


    With the Little Dutch activity walker from the Flowers & Butterflies collection the little ones will be able to play, have fun, go from one place to another, and they won't stop enjoying themselves while they learn to walk almost without realising it. They will be literally mesmerised by all the activities they can do with this walker and will have a...

    76,95 €
  • Little Dutch - Multi-activity baby walker Sailors Bay Little Dutch - Multi-activity baby walker Sailors Bay
    Free + 1 year old


    Out of stock

    Little Dutch - Multi-activity baby walker Sailors Bay


    With the Little Dutch activity walker from the Sailors Bay collection, your little ones will be able to play, have fun, go from one place to another, and they won't stop enjoying themselves while they learn to walk almost without realising it. They will be literally mesmerised by all the activities they can do with this walker and will have a hard time...

    76,95 €
  • Scratch - Carrito andador correpasillos de madera, Racing Flies Scratch - Carrito andador correpasillos de madera, Racing Flies
    Free + 1 year old
    Out of stock

    Scratch - Carrito andador correpasillos de madera, Racing...


    Scratch nos trae desde Bélgica este carrito andador correpasillos de madera con un diseño divertido y moderno. Este robusto juguete de madera maciza está verdaderamente diseñado para durar. Todo está pensado para ayudar a los pequeños a dar sus primeros pasos. El asa se ajusta en altura, y también se puede...

    69,99 €
  • PlanToys - Andador de madera, diseño pato PlanToys - Andador de madera, diseño pato
    + 1 year old


    Out of stock

    PlanToys - Wooden Walker, Walk the Duck


    This cute little duck is perfect for stimulating your child to learn to walk, so that when they are walking with ease, the duck invites them to keep walking.When you push this funny wooden walker, the duck makes a funny sound with its little legs, waddling up and down! The duck's feet are made of natural rubber sheeting, which is very easy to clean, and...

    27,99 €

Push & Pull

The first steps with a walker or ride-on

Children grow up very quickly, and one thing is for sure: there is a wonderful time when they learn to move around and walk, and when we parents and adults have to be on top of them (and almost literally) in order to take care of them and teach them.

Without a doubt, a very simple and easy way to make this important step easier for them and make us feel more at ease is to buy a walker or baby walker. Have you seen the range available in our Cucutoys store? We have years of experience in the best walkers for psychomotor promotion and child development.

What are these walkers for?

It is the best way for them to have fun and start walking, with a support and also to start controlling their limbs and motor activities with less danger. What a beautiful time! We will be able to see how our little one begins little by little to move with greater facility. Our walkers have wheels and are very cheerful and fun, and made with different materials of the best quality. It will serve you as a seat and as a support point with the pressure of your hands while you move and explore more and more.

Some even have a basket or cavity to place different toys and things, with fine finishes and made with care so that it is a unique product and that the little ones love it as just another toy ;)

An easy way to start walking by inventing games and without running from one place to another "groping and running". In Cucutoys we have a wide variety of walkers and strollers that will delight the little ones and parents for their safety and resistance. They can withstand knocks and are safe in less flat areas without any problem. They are also very comfortable and lightweight, an ideal purchase.

At what age can they use a ride-on?

Children begin to walk and between 10 and 12 months, so with a walker you can encourage their movements with freedom to adapt while they are entertained and having fun. In addition our designs are the most fun and colorful, both for girls and boys for their colors, not only blue or pink and even bright colors.

Our riders have very cheerful designs, even in the shape of a car or train!

Don't miss the opportunity to get a walker of the best quality and resistance and start enjoying the first steps of the little ones while they have fun :)

Don't hesitate to ask us for more information about your purchase! Check out all our products and shipping methods. See also our baby range among many other products.