Djeco brings us this detailed puzzle of observation + book + poster of the history of the world, with which you can learn curious facts about history, from prehistory to the present day.Size of the pieces adapted to the hands of the little ones of 7 years old (4 x 2,7cm).
Do you know what the Cypriot flag looks like?In this game you can travel around the 51 countries of Europe from one end to the other. So it's not surprising that tourists gradually lose their sense of direction and end up getting confused. Who can tell from the clues where the tourists are at any given time?The fewer clues you need, the more points you...
Diversión y entretenimiento por un tubo! Monta el puzzle y cuelga el póster en tu habitación. Un puzzle de 200 piezas de la más alta calidad que superarán con creces las demanandas de las pequeñas manos. Con una ilustración cuidada, colorida y llamativa. Vienen en un tubo con asa de transporte con...