Djeco nos trae este juego encajable de 2 dimensiones de 12 piezas de madera, donde la paciencia es la clave para que puedas completar los retos propuestos en las cartas-desafío.Incluye 30 cartas con retos de distinto grado de dificultad y 1 tablero de juego.¡Prepárate para estrujarte las meninges! (Y si ya no puedes más,...
Djeco nos trae este juego de observación y de rapidez. Coger la manzana, aplastar el mosquito o poner la abeja sobre la flor son las acciones inmediatas que hay que realizar para ganar, así que estáte atento, concéntrate y ponte a ello.¿Por qué nos gusta? Potencia la observación y la rapidez Fomenta la...
Esta noche dará comienzo la misión secreta «Amón Ra». El equipo, compuesto por cuatro agentes secretos muy astutos, entrará a robar en el museo y descifrará los complicados códigos del dispositivo de seguridad gracias a cálculos muy precisos. Con sumas, restas, multiplicaciones o divisiones,...
Now 47 pieces plus 80 activity sheets!! Sumblox is a revolutionary and innovative wooden number game that allows for creative building and imagination.Each piece is the physical representation of each number, so children learn the numbers, their meaning and their value while they play by building or stacking. It has been designed so that the value of each...
Learn easily the multiplication tables from 1 to 12 with this original set of gears. A real teaching machine, to learn the basics of mathematics. Illustration Londji Age from 6 to 106 years old Number of pieces 144 Material FSC paper and recycled cardboard Packaging Rigid cardboard box Box dimensions
Aprende los conceptos matemáticos mientras desarrolla la motricidad fina. Este juguete didáctico que nos trae PlanToys desde Tailandia está pensado para estimular a los más pequeños a reconocer y clasificar las formas y los colores. Fabricado 100% con serrín de madera reciclada dará muchas horas de juego ya...
Djeco nos trae este bonito dominó con dibujos de animales y puntos del 1 al 6. 28 piezas de un diseño exquisito para jugar y aprender. Juega a encontrar las parejas, úsalo de memo para encontrar donde se esconden otros animales, o como dominó de toda la vida. En la otra cara de las fichas vienen con puntos del 1 al 6 para jugar de otra manera al mismo juego.
HABA brings us a new self-correcting logic game: the new Logic! games!Logic games for one player in HABA quality.Mischievous Wanda loves to play hide-and-seek: the whole family is always looking for the little red monster. The little ones have to help the family of monsters to catch Wanda in her colourful, bustling house by placing each monster in a...
The classic Tangram, with a new look, perfect as an accompaniment to games with light tables.7 brightly coloured, translucent 3D magnetic pieces that stick together to make curious constructions.Includes 54 challenge cards, so you can play and learn if you've got it right!Ideal for children from 3 years upwards.Why do we like them? They are made of...
HABA brings us a new self-correcting logic game: the new Logi-Case!Colourful, challenging and varied quiz games.Starter set, from 5 years old onwards.With LogiCase you have to figure out and solve the most diverse tasks: with the wooden pencil, the little ones can independently check if the answer is correct: Can you pull out the card or not? LogiCase...
Djeco nos trae este bonito dominó con dibujos de animales de granja y puntos del 1 al 6. 28 piezas de un diseño exquisito para jugar y aprender. Juega a encontrar las parejas, úsalo de memo para encontrar donde se esconden otros animales, o como dominó de toda la vida. En la otra cara de las fichas vienen con puntos del 1 al 6...
¡Vamos a aprender los números y a sumar y a restar y...! Con este juego de alegres y coloridas fichas aprenderán a plantear y solucionar problemas de aritmética, aprenderán a clasificar números, visualizarán la suma y la resta y representarán relaciones entre cantidades.
HABA brings us a new self-correcting logic game for children 6 years old onwards: the new Logi-Case!Colourful, challenging and varied quiz games.Starter set, from 7 years old onwards.With LogiCase you have to figure out and solve the most diverse tasks: with the wooden pencil, the little ones can independently check if the answer is correct: Can you...
Una herramienta ideal para aprender los números, cada una de las 10 fichas tiene una transcripción al alfabeto Braille de los 10 primeros números en una cara, y una planta con el mismo número de hojas en la otra. Parte del proyecto 'Mom-Made', este juguete está producido en...
A magical tangram, perfect as an accompaniment to games with light tables.7 brightly coloured translucent 3D magnetic pieces that stick together to make curious constructions.Includes 54 challenge cards, so you can play and learn if you've got it right!Ideal for children from 3 years upwards.Why do we like them? They are made of resistant acrylic, easy...
HABA brings us a new self-correcting logic game: the new Logic! games!Single-player logic games in HABA quality.Gusi the worm and his friends love to play together and have fun as a group. New and colourful pictures are always appearing: here is the outline of a gumboot, there is the outline of a flower and there is the outline of an elephant.How will you...
PlanToys nos trae desde Tailandia este juego de apilar anillos de madera para enseñar a los más pequeños conceptos como el tamaño, la forma o el color. Los niños se introducirán en conceptos matáticos básicos a la vez que practican su motricidad fina y la coordinación ojo-mano. Un estupendo...
HABA brings us a new self-correcting logic game: the new Logi-Case!Colourful, challenging and varied quiz games.Animals Expansion Set, from 4 years old onwardsWith LogiCase you have to figure out and solve the most diverse tasks: with the wooden pencil, the little ones can independently check if the answer is correct: Can you pull out the card or not?...
Crococroc by Djeco: a game that looks easy, but has its "intricacies". Practice your memory and logic with the coloured tiles - the order of the factors DOES change the product!With cards to practise series and logical sequences, and with the answer on the back of the card, so they can self-check if they have got it right.They can also use the crocodile...
ABC Miam, a hilarious game of language skill and speed, where you have to be clever with words to beat your opponents. Deal two monster cards to each player. Draw the cards from the deck and look carefully at the letters on your monsters.Mouse! Knife! Fox! Spoon!If you are lucky, and your card has one of your monster's letters on it, you get the card (and...
To develop a child's hand-eye coordination and counting skills. A set of 6 cardboard stacking and nesting cubes, from the largest to the smallest. The set includes 3 little wooden characters that fits perfectly in the cubes.Age: 1+
La textura y el colorido de los bloques invitarán a tu hijo a descubrir el apilar y encajar. Poco a poco irá descubriendo las relaciones espaciales y desrrollará habilidades motoras y matemáticas básicas. Aprender el tamaño, a ordenar y la relacion espacial de los objetos es básico, y este es un juguete...
BS Toys brings us a logic challenge game that will have you scratching your head. Complete the figure of the challenge as shown...and now: can you get 3 squares by removing only 4 matches?30 challenges like this one, with 5 levels of difficulty that will make your head smoke. Do you dare to give it a try?Contents: 24 giant wooden matches 30 tiles...