Sumblox is a revolutionary and innovative set of 38 wooden numbers for creative building and imagination. Each piece is the physical representation of each number, so children learn the numbers, their meaning and value as they play by building or stacking.The mini size is the most appropriate for the youngest children's hands. Each number measures the...
Una herramienta ideal para aprender los números, cada una de las 10 fichas tiene una transcripción al alfabeto Braille de los 10 primeros números en una cara, y una planta con el mismo número de hojas en la otra. Parte del proyecto 'Mom-Made', este juguete está producido en...
Una herramienta ideal para aprender las letras del alfabeto, cada una de las 26 fichas tiene una transcripción al alfabeto Braille de las letras del abecedario (no contiene la Ñ). Parte del proyecto 'Mom-Made', este juguete está producido en colaboración con Plan Toys. El proyecto se compone de un...
Sumblox is a revolutionary and innovative set of 80 wooden numbers for creative building and imagination. Each piece is the physical representation of each number, so children learn the numbers, their meaning and value as they play by building or stacking.The mini size is the most appropriate for the youngest children's hands. Each number measures the...
Now 47 pieces plus 80 activity sheets!! Sumblox is a revolutionary and innovative wooden number game that allows for creative building and imagination.Each piece is the physical representation of each number, so children learn the numbers, their meaning and their value while they play by building or stacking. It has been designed so that the value of each...