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Gravitrax - Interactive track system from Ravensburger


Build an exciting track with these marble circuits and roll the marbles to the end by using the principles of magnetism, kinetic energy and the gravitational force.
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    8,00€ - 11,00€
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  • Ravensburger - Gravitrax PRO vertical Mixer - Cucutoys Ravensburger - Gravitrax PRO vertical Mixer - Cucutoys
    + 8 years old

    Ravensburger - Gravitrax PRO vertical Mixer - Cucutoys


    GraviTrax PRO is the natural evolution of Ravensburger's innovative marble run, which challenges the principles of magnetism, kinetics and gravity. With it you can unleash your creativity to create challenging courses that follow the laws of gravity. Mix up the marble run with the mixer. Add a little surprise to your tracks by sending up to three marbles...

    11,99 €

Gravitrax - Interactive track system from Ravensburger

Have you ever played a marble circuit? But what you haven't managed to do is to make an endless circuit, in which thanks to the auxiliary systems of the basic circuit the marbles go up and down continuously.
With the Ravensburger Gravitrax system you will experience the power of gravity.
Build endless circuits with stunning loopings, catapults that propel the marbles, elevators that raise the level, hammers that when hitting the marble shoot out with new energy, or trampolines that bounce the marbles to fall right in the right place.

If you want to try out new tracks, use the Gravitrax app for your IOS or Android devices for free and create a thousand new designs.
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