Conditions of the Cucus programme, the Cucutoys loyalty points.

Cucus are automatically accumulated when you make your purchases.

When you register as a Cucutoys customer, your purchases will automatically generate points, adding them to those you already have in your account.

You will get points every time you log in before making your purchase, both on our website and in our physical shop.

How do I get Cucus points for the purchases I make?

By shopping at you will automatically accumulate Cucus for the amount of your order. You can use them to obtain discount codes, and save when paying for future purchases in the online and physical shop.

How much are my Cucus worth?

The exchange rate is 1000 Cucus = 1€.

When can I redeem my Cucus?

At any time. From the first Cucus onwards, you can redeem them on your next purchase, or keep them to redeem them at a later date.

Do I have to redeem them to make a purchase?

No, it is not. You can always choose to finish the order without using them.

Do I get Cucus for the shipping costs?

No. In the calculation of Cucus, shipping costs are excluded.

Do I get Cucus for the taxes on my order?

Yes, the VAT value of the products is included in the calculation of Cucus earned.

Do I get Cucus for products on sale?

No, the amount of the discounted products is not included in the calculation of Cucus earned.

Are the Cucus kept in case of returns?

No. The Cucus earned from the purchase of an item will be removed from your account if you return it.

Do I get more Cucus on purchases paid for with Cucus?

Yes. Whenever you make a purchase, you get new Cucus in your account.

Can I transfer or pool my Cucus with those of family or friends?

No. Cucus are personal and non-transferable.

The Cucus obtained in Cucutoys cannot be exchanged for cash under any circumstances.

Can I only get Cucus on my online purchases?

No. You can also earn Cucus by shopping in the physical shop. To get more Cucus in the physical shop, you just have to identify yourself as a member of the club before paying for your purchase.

How long do the Cucus last?

The points have an expiry date of one year from the date they are earned.

Is this program available on sales, black friday etc?

No, the program is not available on Sales season, Black Friday or similar.

Note: Cucutoys reserves the right to change the criteria for assigning Cucus and/or the period of validity of the same at any time, announcing it on the website 30 days in advance.