Moulin Roty comes with a new friend to share childhood adventures and give lots of hugs and cuddles.Dancing, dreaming, and running among the flowers... It's romantic time!Anemone, a rag doll inspired in the 70s, has a sweet face, long red hair with a mustard bow, a beautiful polka dot print dress and a pair of dance shoes with satin ribbons.Size: 57...
A medida que un niño crece, los niños querrán jugar a montarse encima del perro saltarín. Puedes usar un rotulador para ponerle el nombre en el pañuelo personalizable o en la tripita del perro. ¡Este perro es muy tranquilo, pero saltará tanto como su dueño quiera! ¡Así sí...
Imita a mamá y a papá mimando a tu muñeca preferida. Dale el biberón, desvístela, cámbiale el pañal y, cuando llegue la hora de dormir, acuéstala en su capazo con cuidado de no olvidar a su peluchito Louise. El vestido es reversible y el biberon tiene imán para que no se le caiga de la...
¡Increíble! ¡Sale música de mis manos! Los beneficios de la música en la infancia están claramente probados. Se fomenta la destreza manual, la orientación espacial, la capacidad de atención, y el interés por ... la música. Con este acordeón aprenderán a escuchar y apreciar...
Con un bamboleo constante acompañando al peque, este arrastre en forma de caracol es un compañero fantástico para los primeros paseos de los peques. Tiene un movimiento muy realista y parecido al que hace un caracol de verdad al caminar. Un juguete duradero, que seguro que conocerá a más de un...
Esta linterna proyectora de historias es de la nueva colección "El viaje de Olga", de Moulin Roty. Con los personajes de la colección El viaje de Olga, nuestras ocas viajeras, puedes contar 3 historias que cambiarán fácilmente con tu imaginación de una noche a otra: La Oca Olga Pequeño Zorro calcetines...
Plantoys nos trae desde Tailandia este precioso y original cinturón de maquillaje, ideal para los pequeños aficionados al mundo del arte, la belleza y la moda.Incluye un espejo, una brocha, un bote de perfume, un lápiz labial y otro de sombras de ojos, una paleta de color, todo de madera ecológica, y un cinturón de...
Build your own track in 2 and 3D with geometric blocks of different sizes and colours. Go on... Go fast! Feel the wind in your face with adrenaline pumping on a circuit full of curves, drops, bridges and real road signs to compete in a head-to-head race between the 2 electric cars included.50 Magnetic 3D building blocks Develops different skills, promotes...
Juego magnético Animo, de DjecoEl niño juega con piezas de madera magnéticas en la caja para crear distintos animales.El clásico juego de vestir y desvestir, pero ahora con cuerpos de animales y en formato magnético.La caja metálica sirve de soporte y almacenamiento para el juego. Además, sus 2 caras...
100 magnetic building blocks in 2D and 3D that are as much fun to assemble as they are to disassemble.Develops different skills, promotes early stimulation and increases concentration. Facilitates teaching processes such as learning geometry. All parts are made of NON-toxic plastic. Internal reinforcements, super-magnets and lead-free rivets. From 3...
Esta linterna proyectora de historias forma parte de la colección de linternas de Moulin Roty. Con personajes circenses, puedes contar 3 divertidas historias que os llevarán mentalmente a un circo mágico. El circo ha llegado a la ciudad. El pánico cunde entre los animales del circo. ¡Sálvese quien pueda!...
The green Expert is the ideal camera for children, with all the functions they need for everyday use.With an additional selfie camera on the back, 16 GB of storage space for up to 8,000 photos and video recording function.It is also equipped with an easy-to-use menu and interchangeable silicone cases that protect against breakage.The Expert also...
Introducing MELI Creative Blocks! Each box includes 300 innovative 25 x 25 mm pieces for creative play. These pieces are ideal for creating unlimited patterns and encouraging children's creativity. Includes a standard pattern guide for constructionHave you used up all your blocks? The best thing is that the MELI Creative Blocks in the BASIC series...
Get pretty with this beautiful Flora dressing table from Djeco!With this make-up table, little ladies can get ready to go out and look their best. The dressing table has two drawers that can be used to store accessories and things like a ring, bracelet, rubber bands, wooden lipstick and nail polish (accessories included).It is made entirely of wood and is...
Introducing MELI Creative Blocks MAXI size! Each box includes 50 innovative 42 x 42 mm pastel-coloured pieces for creative play. Thanks to their large size, these pieces are ideal for creating unlimited patterns and encouraging creativity in children as young as 1 year old. Includes a standard pattern guide for constructionHave you used up all your...
Why are children attracted to slides?Most little ones are thrill seekers and are not afraid when it comes to exploring, as this is how much of their learning process works.The slide is one of the few places where a child can freely experience adrenaline and fun... at full speed! Let it go up and let it go down... Create your own slide and let the balls...
Ni Colette, ni Eloïse, ni Agathe ni Blanche se quedarán sin merendar con este coqueto estuche...Moulin Roty nos trae este juego de té infantil de metal, en un estuche maletín de cartón duro y asa metálica, decorado con ilustraciones de Les Parisines de Lucille Michieli, para poder llevar y traer la tetera,...
Introducing MELI Creative Blocks! Each box includes 50 innovative 25 x 25 mm pieces for creative play. These pieces are ideal for creating unlimited patterns and encouraging children's creativity. Includes a standard pattern guide for constructionHave you used up all your blocks? The best thing is that the MELI Creative Blocks in the BASIC series can...
Djeco nos trae esta caja de 20 trucos de magia, con la que dejarás asombrados a los amigos y la familia. La práctica de la magia es una actividad que no pasa de moda. Bocas abiertas, ojos saltones y risas nerviosas son el denominador común de una sesión de magia. Desaparición, transformación, ilusión,...
Meet Baby Evi! This adorable Little Dutch plush doll wants to be hugged and carried. Feed her with a bottle, soothe her with a pacifier, change her diaper, and tuck her in a blanket. Baby Evi loves going on trips in her cute travel basket. Kids learn nurturing playfully with Baby Evi. They can share all their secrets with her. She won't tell anyone. She's...
Djeco brings us this set of wooden beads to thread, with 400 wooden beads to make jewellery.A lot of beads of different shapes and colours to make bracelets, anklets, pendants, necklaces... and even to decorate your room!Improve your child's fine motor skills with this set. No friend or family member will be left without their ornament!Create wonderful...
The car transport truck with trailer will not go unnoticed. Unfold the trailer and the 4 cars included with the truck can drive off. This truck will keep your little one entertained, and is a great addition to the car collection at home.Recommended age: 18 months and upDimensions: 40 x 8 x 13,5 cm.