
There are 76 products.
  • Plantoys - Encajable Caja de formas, juguete de madera Plantoys - Encajable Caja de formas, juguete de madera
    + 1 year old


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    Plantoys - Shape & sort it out


    Encourages recognition of colors and shapes as well as the development of hand-eye coordination. Suitable for children 12 months and up.Through Shape & Sort It Out, children will be introduced to three different shapes which are triangle, square and cylinder. The geometric blocks also come in red, green and blue to teach children about the basic colors....

    37,99 €
  • PlanToys - Juego de apilar y clasificar anillos, juguete de madera PlanToys - Juego de apilar y clasificar anillos, juguete de madera
    + 18 months old


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    PlanToys - Juego de apilar y clasificar anillos, juguete...


    PlanToys nos trae desde Tailandia este juego de apilar anillos de madera para enseñar a los más pequeños conceptos como el tamaño, la forma o el color. Los niños se introducirán en conceptos matáticos básicos a la vez que practican su motricidad fina y la coordinación ojo-mano. Un estupendo...

    22,90 €
  • Plantoys - Orchard Wooden Xylophone, musical toy Plantoys - Orchard Wooden Xylophone, musical toy
    + 1 year old


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    Plantoys - Orchard Wooden Xylophone, musical toy


    PlanToys brings us from Thailand a beautiful xylophone made of ecological and natural wood designed for the little ones. This fun musical toy is designed to invite little ones to pick it up and start playing. Large (almost 30cm) and in the Orchard colour range, this original xylophone produces sounds that will delight the musicians of tomorrow.Each piece...

    27,50 €
  • Plantoys - Conjunto de 3 verduras para cocinitas, juguete de madera Plantoys - Conjunto de 3 verduras para cocinitas, juguete de madera
    + 18 months old


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    Plantoys - Set de 5 vegetales de colores, juguete de madera


    El set de 5 verduras de colores es ideal para preparar nuestras comiditas. Con detalles muy cuidados y unidos con velcro. ¡No te pierdas el ajo, al que se le separan los gajos, o la lombarda, que hay que quitarle las hojas! El tacto de la madera planwood es muy agradable, y las piezas están tintadas de colores distintos para atraer...

    27,50 €


We say that choosing toys is not about “good vs. bad toys.” Instead of this simple response, it’s about bringing new consciousness to selecting children’s toys. Does it look beautiful and feel good? Is it closed, or open ended: Does it leave room for the imagination? Will it inspire role-play games? If most of your answers are a YES!, surely you are giving your kids with the tools needed for years of healthy play!