Entretenido y muy divertido, este circuito para coches de madera que nos trae Scratch desde Bélgica fomenta en los pequeños la motricidad fina, la agudeza visual, la compresión causa-efecto, etc... mientras ellos se lo pasan estupendamente tirando los 3 cochecitos de vivos colores por las deslizantes rampas. ¿Por qué...
Moulin Roty brings us the little wooden house from the Big Family collection to play and tell stories, a screen-printed wooden dolls' house with a village atmosphere consisting of a kitchen, a bedroom, a bathroom, a winter garden, a loft to hide in and all its furniture. Includes complete furniture (3 beds, bath, washbasin and toilet, kitchen/dining room...
Plantoys nos trae desde Tailandia este práctico cinturón ajustable de herramientas, ideal para los pequeños aficionados al bricolaje y a los talleres de trabajos manuales. Incluye un martillo, un destornillador, tuerca y tornillo, un nivel y una llave fija, todo de madera ecológica, y un cinturón de tela reforzada...
Explore the fascinating outdoor world with the Little Dutch Camping Playset! This charming set includes dolls and accessories that will make every adventure unforgettable. From a tent to a campfire and topo map, every detail is designed with care and vibrant colours. The dolls, with their adorable features, add life to the imaginary camping...
Todo para el cuidado para los vehículos a motor. Este garaje de 2 plantas hará las delicias de los peques: llena los depósitos, lava los coches en su lavado automático, cámbiales el aceite o remólcalos en la grúa. Todo ello construido en cartón reciclado.
El sol hace su aparición en el horizonte y poco a poco la sabana va despertando. El león bosteza mientras la jirafa estira su cuello. Un nuevo día lleno de aventuras para los animales ha comenzado. Enriquece tu vocabulario y conocimiento de los animales y del ingles al mismo tiempo que te diviertes imaginando y creando las...
Vegetables can be eaten too! If your little ones play with this game, it won't be so hard for them to like them later on. This wooden vegetable game is a playful way to stimulate symbolic play in children, and making food together is much more fun. It comes with a cutting board and a wooden knife to cut the fruits in half and see the juicy insides - which...
Aprende con esta adorable granja el nombre de los animales y sus sonidos. El granero se encaja en las pestañas de la caja de madera, obteniendo así un escenario en 3D para que los animales vivan sus aventuras. Cada uno de los 8 animales tiene su nombre escrito por una cara y el sonido que hacen por la otra, todo en Inglés!...
You can now collect all the discs of the lanterns-projector stories of L'école des loisir!!!Valid for any lantern. Includes 3 discs with 3 stories from each collectionChoose the model you like the most, and...Make the complete collection with all 8 stories!Generations of booksellers, teachers, librarians, mediators and readers, all advocates of...
Once upon a time there was a garden where vegetables grew luxuriantly in good weather.Take care of your garden and make the best decisions to harvest as much food as you can.A game for the whole family: Motivates to define strategies Stimulates decision making Requires planning moves and anticipation Provides horticultural...
This beautifully designed toy cash register is perfect for hours of fun pretend play.The Little Dutch cash register includes a barcode scanner, cash drawer, toy money, card reader and payment card. Available in a lovely mint colour.Recommended age: 2 years and upDimensions: 16 x 13 x 10 cm.
Plantoys nos trae desde Tailandia esta cocina clásica de madera ecológica, de la gama Classic de Plantoys.Ha sido diseñado especialmente como complemento ideal para las casas de muñecas de Plantoys y sus familias.Incluye 4 muebles imprescindibles para una cocina: Fregadero con pila, cocina con horno y campana extractora, mueble...
¡Con este castillo a los peques no les costará hacer sitio en su cuarto para montarlo y ponerse jugar! 35 piezas de madera y Planwood redondeadas para que no tengan bordes ni aristas y puedan jugar con toda la seguridad. Deja que su imaginación haga realidad los cuentos infantiles y jueguen a los caballeros y dragones. También...
What a lovely family of rhinoceroses. Mummy, Daddy and little Marius are going to sleep in their cozy roll-up bed after a holiday, but don't forget to undress them first!This roll-up bed and its happy occupants are easy to carry. So little ones can have great adventures with these friendly characters anywhere.Composition:Character: 100% LinenClothing and...
¡EAT LOTS OF FRUIT! (just like the sign of a legendary fruit shop in Madrid) ;-)Your little one will love to imitate you when you prepare their delicious fruit salad with this beautiful wooden set of 6 different fruits that can be separated with the knife and stuck back together with velcro. It also comes with a cutting board and a wooden knife to...
What a lovely family of cows. Mummy, Daddy and little Rosalie are going to sleep in their cozy roll-up bed after a holiday, but don't forget to undress them first!This roll-up bed and its happy occupants are easy to carry. So the little ones can have great adventures with these friendly characters anywhere.Composition:Character: 100% LinenClothing and...
Does your little one also like to help with DIY tasks? This mini workbench is compact and easy to move. So he can hammer, saw and build wherever he wants. He can build a car using the included screws, fittings and bolts.Finished with the job? You can tidy up the tools and slide the wooden box to keep everything locked and put away. The mini...
With this house, the little ones will learn how the different locking systems work, which stimulates their fine motor skills and increases their personal autonomy while they have fun.Velcro fasteners, bolt fasteners, latches, key locks? it has everything!And Alice has learnt how they all work and has taken the treasure from inside the house!
Introduce poco a poco la escritura y el abecedario mientras se divierten pegando las letras en la tapa de la caja. ¿Por qué nos gusta? Tiene un formato ideal para llevarlo de viaje Fomenta la lectoescritura con las primeras letras Puedes usarlas en la caja donde puedes guardar las fichas, o en la nevera para que jueguen mientras preparáis la comida
Welcome to the exciting world of healthcare with the Little Dutch Doctor Playset! This charming set includes a doll dressed as a real medical professional, ready for a consultation.With detailed accessories such as sticking plasters, thermometer and syringe, little doctors can diagnose and treat their toy patients, and there's a cap and gown for you...
Get everyone ready for the party! Make finger-licking cupcakes with this Plantoys game.Why do we love it? Helps develop creative thinking skills Enhances imaginative thinking Develops language and communication skills through social play Contents: A cotton mitten A wooden bowl A whisk stick A cotton pompom (the cream) A cotton bag for...
Little Dutch presents its wooden train set from the Christmas special.This system is compatible and combinable with Everearth's 8-track, or with Little Dutch's 9-vehicle set.Also includes 10 wooden Christmas decoration pieces and 3 cardboard snow/earth pieces.Dimensions: 60 x 45 cm.Recommended age: 18 months and up