Djeco nos trae este simpático juego de cartas de zumos y batidos, donde la memoria es clave para ganar.Un poco de memoria, un pelín de buena suerte y mucha fruta: Estos son los ingredientes clave para conseguir deliciosos smoothies.¿Por qué nos gusta? Los juegos de memoria sencillos como este de Djeco ejercitan la...
The diabolo is a classic toy that your grandmother used to play with, but is still just as much fun today. You get to do the best tricks, but... You'll need to practice your coordination and balance a lot!Made of wood, metal and rubber.Measurements: Handles: 38 cm Diabolo: 10 cm diameter
What adventures await us with our friend the Unicorn? Together we will experience a ride full of magic on one of the most extraordinary mythological beings.A 100-piece pocket puzzle with glitter with which we can let our imagination fly into fantasy worlds. Illustration Sonja Wimmer Age 6 to 106 years Material FSC paper and recycled cardboard...
Meet Eugy's platypus! The unusual appearance of this mammal - egg-laying, venomous, with a duck-billed snout, beaver tail and otter feet - puzzled European naturalists when they first saw it, and some considered it to be a counterfeit animal.Each recycled cardboard piece is carefully assembled following simple visual instructions. And once assembled,...
In this hotel the flying insects will have a protected place to deposit their eggs. The structure of the hotel is quickly set-up. Only the wooden parts need to be screwed together, and a plate on top protects them from rain and moisture. For the interior construction, eight pre-drilled branches are provided; the remaining filling material can be found in...
One of the most remarkable characteristics of raccoons is their amazing manual dexterity. Their front paws are extremely agile, and they can grasp and manipulate objects with great dexterity. In urban environments, raccoons have proven to be masters at picking locks and opening containers, which has led some to consider them cunning thieves. This skill is...
Zebras are like black horses with white stripes. They serve to regulate their temperature and each pattern is different and unique like our fingerprints.
he cubs are very playful and their mothers keep an eye on them all the time. They have a great sense of sight and smell.During wintering, brown and black bears can go up to 100 days without eating, drinking or eating anything.Imagine how hungry they will be after wintering!
Bald eagles do not suffer from alopecia, in fact they have quite a thick plumage on their heads. This name comes from an old English word "balde" which means white, which is how they have the plumage of the head, hence "bald eagle" It has been the national symbol of the United States since 1782.
Cuando Max se puso su disfraz de lobo le entraron unas ganas irrefrenables de hacer travesuras, y entonces su madre le llamó «¡MONSTRUO!» y Max le contestó «¡TE VOY A COMER!». Y le castigaron enviándole a la cama sin cenar. Encerrado en su habitación, Max imagina que navega lejos, a un mundo...
Te presentamos a Perro Apestoso. Vive en un cubo de basura, huele a sardinas, está lleno de pulgas y su pelo parece una alfombra vieja. Y por si fuera poco, también es bastante tonto. Pero a pesar de todo, tiene un corazón muy grande y es puro optimismo y alegria. ¡Lo adorarás!
Let's go on an interplanetary journey with this Londji puzzle where we can easily go from Earth to Mars in less time than it takes SpaceX to build a rocket!Now in pocket format in a 100-piece puzzle. Illustration Carmen Saldaña Age from 6 to 106 years old Material FSC paper and recycled cardboard Packaging Rigid cardboard...
Me & Mine brings us a 2m skipping rope for you to jump until you can't stop. Made of cotton, the handles are made of beech wood, measure 13cm and are painted in different colours to choose from.Why do we like it? Stimulates coordination and gross motor skills. Promotes sociability and physical exercise. From 6 years old.Size: 10,5 x 6 x 22,5 cm
Meet the Eugy's puffin! Sometimes called the "sea parrot", the puffin is easily recognised by its colourful, parrot-like beak. After spending the winter at sea, thousands of puffins return home to nest in their small burrows in the ground. Puffins are loyal to each other, mating with the same bird each year and producing a single chick. This chick,...
Hoy Perro Apestoso va al cole. ¿Conseguirá no dormirse en clase? ¿Podrá jugar un partido de futbol sin tropezarse con la pelota?¿Aprenderá por fin a leer, para descifrar las etiquetas de lo que encuentra en la basura? Con su infinito entusiasmo, una vez más demostrará que bajo su pelo de moqueta vieja, late un corazón muy grande
Bison are the largest land mammals in North America. They are herbivores and can weigh up to 1 ton. They were on the verge of extinction but conservation efforts managed to maintain the species.It is the national animal of the USA.
Djeco brings us this beautiful 200-piece puzzle that once assembled is a real spectacle for the eye.Djeco gave total freedom to the illustrators of the gallery puzzle series, so instead of directing the drawing to turn it into a puzzle, they gave free rein to their imagination.The result is a masterpiece in the shape of a puzzle that will decorate any...
Llamas are related to camels but do not have a hump. As they live in the Peruvian altiplano, their bodies are covered with wool and they are very appreciated all over the world.Llamas spit, so if you are near one be careful.
Welcome to the underwater kingdom of the mermaids! Dive to the bottom of the sea and spend some time swimming among these fantastic beings.A 100-piece puzzle in pocket format, where everyone can let their imagination run wild! Illustration Sonja Wimmer Age 6 to 106 years Material FSC paper and recycled cardboard Packaging Rigid cardboard box...
Famous for their designs and the satisfaction they bring, Djeco's scratch-off sheets make an ideal gift. The "Cosmic mission" model includes 4 sheets with images of different objects from space. The more you scratch, the more details and surprises you will find!Comes in a cardboard envelope ideal for taking anywhere.Contents: 4 scratch-off...
Tantrix Game Pack. The most complete version of the Tantrix range, and the one that offers you more hours of entertainment and fun, either as a solo game or with options for up to 6 players.These are all the puzzles and games you will find inside Tantrix Game Pack: 28 Discovery Puzzles 5 Rainbow Puzzles 5 Puzzles: Junior, Student, Professional,...
With these two stretchy neoprene rackets and the soft fluffy ball you'll have a blast. Ideal to take to the beach or the park. Play a game with your friends to see how many touches you can make before the ball hits the ground!Encourages coordination and motor skills. Racket size: 57x32x3cm Racket weight: 165gr. Ball weight: 15gr. From 6 years old
Tuatara are medium-sized reptiles found in New Zealand. They have survived almost unchanged since the Mesozoic Era 200 million years ago and coexisted with dinosaurs.Although they are very similar to iguanas, they are not related.
Hacía mucho tiempo que los animales deseaban averiguar a qué sabía la luna. ¿Sería dulce o salada? Tan solo querían probar un pedacito. Por las noches, miraban ansiosos hacia el cielo. Se estiraban e intentaban cogerla. ¿Quién no soñó alguna vez con darle un mordisco a la luna? ...