

There are 286 products.
  • Djeco - Caja de música Melodía mágica Djeco - Caja de música Melodía mágica
    + 4 years old

    Djeco - Caja de música Tinou's Shop


    Who hasn't had a good time opening and closing a music box, enraptured while a pretty little doll spins around and listening to a piece of classical music? A treasure box with three drawers to keep jewels and secrets within reach of any little one who likes good classical music, and to keep their most precious things in order.With several compartments of...

    47,90 €
  • Djeco - Multi-activity box - Flower Box Djeco - Multi-activity box - Flower Box
    + 3 years old

    Djeco - Multi-activity box - Flower Box


    Djeco brings us this complete kit of creative activities, and numerous fairies-themed projects:  Painting Drawing Collage Origami Scratch cards 3D scenes.  Hours of crafts to discover different creative techniques and immerse themselves in a magical garden full of fairies.All the necessary accessories are included so that children can...

    36,90 €
  • Djeco - 12 flower-shaped crayons Djeco - 12 flower-shaped crayons
    + 7 years old

    Djeco - 12 flower-shaped crayons


    Djeco brings us this complete creative kit to create an illustrated kaleidoscope with space motifs.Assemble the kaleidoscope following the simple instructions included in the kit: you have more than 50 accessories to experiment with multiple combinations of space objects (phosphorescent stars, illustrated discs of ships, planets, etc.).It comes with a...

    17,90 €
  • Djeco - El perfume de las flores, cuadro de purpurina Djeco - El perfume de las flores, cuadro de purpurina
    + 7 years old

    Djeco - El perfume de las flores, cuadro de purpurina


    Cuadro con purpurina El perfume de las flores. Ramos, esquejes y yemas de flores. Cuatro cuadros con imágenes bucólicas para iluminar con polvo de purpurina.Una caja hermosa y robusta, material de alta calidad, imágenes diseñadas por ilustradores con un talento inigualable, folletos en color donde se explican todos los pasos......

    17,95 €
  • Djeco - Caperucita roja, juego de cartas Djeco - Caperucita roja, juego de cartas
    + 4 years old

    Djeco - Caperucita roja, juego de cartas


    Djeco nos trae este simpático juego de cartas del cuento de caperucita. Intenta construir el cuento completo con las 6 cartas antes de tu rival... pero... ¡cuidado con el bosque! ¡nunca se sabe quién puede estar detrás del árbol!¿Por qué nos gusta? Los juegos de estrategia sencillos como este...

    9,95 €
  • Djeco - Cartas Bataflash Djeco - Cartas Bataflash
    + 5 years old
  • Djeco - Cartas Tip Top Clap Djeco - Cartas Tip Top Clap
    + 6 years old

    Djeco - Cartas Tip Top Clap


    A fun memory game in a crazy succession of sounds, gestures and imitations with which both children and adults will have a good laugh.Each player must perform the action that comes up on their card (wink, imitate a cat, bang on the table, etc...), but without forgetting to do the action that came up first.This is how we work on memory and expressiveness....

    9,95 €
  • Djeco - 450 wooden beads - Flowers and foliage Djeco - 450 wooden beads - Flowers and foliage
    + 4 years old

    Djeco - 450 wooden beads - Flowers and foliage


    Djeco brings us this set of wooden beads to thread, with 450 wooden beads to make jewellery.A lot of beads of different shapes and colours to make bracelets, anklets, pendants, necklaces... and even to decorate your room!Improve your child's fine motor skills with this set. No friend or family member will be left without their ornament!Create wonderful...

    13,50 €
  • Djeco - Cartas Batamo Djeco - Cartas Batamo
    + 8 years old



    Djeco - Cartas Batamo


    A brutal battle in which the first to find the words wins the deck. Prepare your vocabulary and your reflexes.A colour, starting with B... Bordeaux, white!A fun game in which we learn and practice vocabulary, it can be played in any language and is a fun way to expand vocabulary.It has 54 cards with precise illustrations with letters and 4 themes:...

    11,90 €
  • Djeco - Collage Dulce Naturaleza, juego de fieltro Djeco - Collage Dulce Naturaleza, juego de fieltro
    + 3 years old

    Djeco - Collage Dulce Naturaleza, juego de fieltro


    Djeco nos trae este juego de piezas de fieltro con imágenes de la naturaleza, para que los niños superpongan las piezas adhesivas en cuatro cuadros de animales suaves y coloridos.

    14,95 €
  • Djeco - Little Match, cards game Djeco - Little Match, cards game
    + 2 years old

    Djeco - Little Match, cards game


    Little Family, a fun shape and colour matching game specially designed with ultra-resistant cards for the youngest members of the family. From 2 and a half years old! Plastic cards for greater resistance to play and water.To place a card, it has to be the same colour, or have the same animal as the previous card.The first player to run out of cards......

    12,90 €
  • Djeco - Pegatinas de techo Mission Espace Djeco - Pegatinas de techo Mission Espace
    + All ages

    Djeco - Pegatinas de techo Mission Espace


    62 pegatinas espaciales para pegarlas en el techo que brillan en la oscuridad.8 modelos: estrellas grandes, medianas y pequeñas, planetas, cohetes, naves espaciales, platillos volantes, y ¡hasta alienígenas!Incluye los adhesivos.Quedan genial como complemento de decoración en cualquier cuarto infantil.

    11,90 €
  • Djeco - 450 wooden beads - Butterflies Djeco - 450 wooden beads - Butterflies
    + 4 years old

    Djeco - 450 wooden beads - Butterflies


    Djeco brings us this set of wooden beads to thread, with 450 wooden beads to make jewellery.A lot of beads of different shapes and colours to make bracelets, anklets, pendants, necklaces... and even to decorate your room!Improve your child's fine motor skills with this set. No friend or family member will be left without their ornament!Create wonderful...

    13,50 €
  • Djeco - Magnetic set InZeBox Jobissimo Djeco - Magnetic set InZeBox Jobissimo
    + 3 years old

    Djeco - Magnetic set InZeBox Jobissimo


    Magnetic set Jobissimo, by DjecoPlay with magnetic wood pieces in the same box to equip different professionals: firefighter, teacher, doctor or Chef!The classic Mr. Potato game, but now in a magnetic format, ideal for expanding your vocabulary and relating utensils to professions.The metal box serves as a support and storage for the game.  In...

    24,90 €
  • Djeco - Little Circuit, juego de mesa Djeco - Little Circuit, juego de mesa
    + 2 years old
  • Djeco - Bogoss, juego de cartas Djeco - Bogoss, juego de cartas
    + 6 years old

    Djeco - Bogoos, juego de cartas


    Djeco nos trae este simpático juego de cartas de huesos y esqueletos, donde la suerte y la estrategia son claves para ganar.¿Por qué nos gusta? Los juegos de estrategia sencillos como este de Djeco ejercitan el pensamiento a corto plazo y la sociabilidad. Edad recomendada: 6-99 añosNº de jugadores: 2 a 4Nº de cartas: 44Tiempo de juego: 15 min.

    15,95 €
  • Djeco - Little Family, cards game Djeco - Little Family, cards game
    + 2 years old

    Djeco - Little Family, cards game


    Little Family, an entertaining matching game specially designed with ultra-resistant cards for the youngest members of the family. From 2 and a half years old! Will I get the wolf? or the parrot? Oh, I've got the panda bear! Let's see if I get the other one! What nerves!Why do we like it? Board games for very young children with easy and simple rules,...

    12,90 €
  • Djeco - Pegatinas de techo Mission Espace Djeco - Pegatinas de techo Mission Espace
    + All ages

    Djeco - Pegatinas de techo Mission Espace


    62 pegatinas espaciales para pegarlas en el techo que brillan en la oscuridad.8 modelos: estrellas grandes, medianas y pequeñas, planetas, cohetes, naves espaciales, platillos volantes, y ¡hasta alienígenas!Incluye los adhesivos.Quedan genial como complemento de decoración en cualquier cuarto infantil.

    11,90 €
  • Djeco - Piou Piou, card game Djeco - Piou Piou, card game
    + 5 years old

    Djeco - Mysterax, card game


    Djeco brings us this card game of observation and speed: who will find the intruder who has slipped into the picture first? You have to be ready to look closely, and be the first to spot the "leftover" object on each card, to keep that card and win the game.Why do we like it? Simple strategy games like this one from Djeco exercise memory and long-term...

    9,95 €
  • Djeco - Garden Tap tap Djeco - Garden Tap tap
    + 4 years old

    Djeco - Garden Tap tap


    Tap tap garden, a fun creative game to make different gardens with plants and birds, nailing the pieces of wood to the cork plank using the pegs and the wooden hammer.You can follow the patterns of the 5 tiles, or make your own invented models. Improve and enhance your fine motor skills and creativity with this fun game.It comes in a sturdy, decorative...

    31,90 €
  • Djeco - 6 Creative activities - Animals and their home Djeco - 6 Creative activities - Animals and their home
    + 3 years old

    Djeco - 6 Creative activities - Animals and their home


    Djeco brings us this kit of 6 creative activities to have a great time making animals and their homes themed crafts : Colouring Making collages Making mosaics Cut out, glue and decorate with decoupage Glue stickers Build with cardboard sheets Lots of materials for fun afternoons at home or in the park.From 3 years and up.

    32,90 €
  • Djeco - Jardín de unicornios, puzzle de galería 500 pz Djeco - Jardín de unicornios, puzzle de galería 500 pz
    + 8 years old

    Djeco - Unicorn Garden, puzzle gallery 500 pz


    Djeco brings us this beautiful 500-piece puzzle that once assembled is a real spectacle for the eye.Djeco left the illustrators of the gallery puzzle series complete freedom, so that instead of directing the drawing to turn it into a puzzle, they gave free rein to their imagination.The result is a work of art in the form of a puzzle that decorates any...

    19,50 €
  • Djeco - Collage Little Dressing Djeco - Collage Little Dressing
    + 3 years old

    Djeco - Collage Little Dressing


    Tons of clothes in over 65 puffy stickers to dress and undress the 3 adorable kittens. Also includes wooden bases and decorations!If you combine the activity of removing and applying stickers with the kittens and dresses, you've got a craft to keep your little ones entertained for almost indefinitely!Contents: +65 repositionable stickers 3 play...

    18,90 €
  • Djeco - 450 wooden beads - Birds Djeco - 450 wooden beads - Birds
    + 4 years old

    Djeco - 450 wooden beads - Birds


    Djeco brings us this set of wooden beads to thread, with 450 wooden beads to make jewellery.A lot of beads of different shapes and colours to make bracelets, anklets, pendants, necklaces... and even to decorate your room!Improve your child's fine motor skills with this set. No friend or family member will be left without their ornament!Create wonderful...

    13,50 €


Djeco is a family business, handed down from mother to son. A perennial company where the only key words are: Creativity, Audacity and Passion.

Safety is not a game for Djeco. All its toys are subjected to strict controls and a series of tests and compliance with standards, in order to guarantee absolute safety for children.

Djeco is an important team dedicated to creation. You could say that Djeco is a collective whirlwind!