Stem Toys

There are 135 products.
  • Hoppstar - Expert Laurel Kids Camera Hoppstar - Expert Laurel Kids Camera
    Free + 3 years old

    Hoppstar - Expert Laurel Kids Camera


    The green Expert is the ideal camera for children, with all the functions they need for everyday use.With an additional selfie camera on the back, 16 GB of storage space for up to 8,000 photos and video recording function.It is also equipped with an easy-to-use menu and interchangeable silicone cases that protect against breakage.The Expert also...

    89,90 €
  • Hoppstar - Expert Blush Kids Camera Hoppstar - Expert Blush Kids Camera
    Free + 3 years old

    Hoppstar - Expert Blush Kids Camera


    The pink Expert is the ideal camera for children, with all the functions they need for everyday use.With an additional selfie camera on the back, 16 GB of storage space for up to 8,000 photos and video recording function.It is also equipped with an easy-to-use menu and interchangeable silicone cases that protect against breakage.The Expert also...

    89,90 €
  • Hoppstar - Expert Yale Kids Camera Hoppstar - Expert Yale Kids Camera
    Free + 3 years old

    Hoppstar - Expert Yale Kids Camera


    The blue Expert is the ideal camera for children, with all the functions they need for everyday use.With an additional selfie camera on the back, 16 GB of storage space for up to 8,000 photos and video recording function.It is also equipped with an easy-to-use menu and interchangeable silicone cases that protect against breakage.The Expert also features...

    89,90 €
  • Hoppstar - Expert Siena Kids Camera Hoppstar - Expert Siena Kids Camera
    Free + 3 years old

    Hoppstar - Expert Siena Kids Camera


    The brown Expert is the ideal camera for children, with all the functions they need for everyday use.With an additional selfie camera on the back, 16 GB of storage space for up to 8,000 photos and video recording function.It is also equipped with an easy-to-use menu and interchangeable silicone cases that protect against breakage.The Expert also...

    89,90 €
  • Makedo - Folding Roller Marker with Punch Makedo - Folding Roller Marker with Punch
    + 4 years old

    Makedo - Folding Roller Marker with Punch


    We all know that the kids love cardboard boxes, it's the first thing they play with.It has never been so easy to make any kind of shape in cardboard.With this marker you can manipulate your cardboard in a precise and controlled way. From simple linear folds to organic contours you can easily make any kind of fold.How do I use it?Slide the toothed wheel...

    9,00 €
  • Carlos Pazos - Anatomía y el Cuerpo Humano,  Futuros Genios (9) Carlos Pazos - Anatomía y el Cuerpo Humano,  Futuros Genios (9)
    + 4 years old
    Out of stock

    Carlos Pazos - Anatomía y el Cuerpo Humano, Futuros...


    ¡Descubre los secretos de la ciencia con Futuros Genios!¡Explorar el cuerpo humano nunca fué tan divertido!¿De qué nos protege la piel? ¿Qué es la linfa?Descubre nuestro interior con Valentia y el leucocito Vesalio, y ¡conviértete en un genio de la anatomía! Autor: Carlos...

    8,95 €
  • Miniland - ECO Beams Building Set
    + 3 years old

    Miniland - ECO Beams Building Set


    This set includes 32 different coloured beams, which can be used to build a variety of structures, from simple towers to complex creations.The game is suitable for children aged 2 years and up. It can be played alone, or with friends and family.Why do we like it? Stimulates creativity and imagination.  Helps develop fine motor skills. ...

    28,90 €
  • Makedo - Screwdriver with punch Makedo - Screwdriver with punch
    + 4 years old

    Makedo - Screwdriver with punch


    We all know that the little ones love cardboard boxes, it's the first thing they play with.Have you lost your screwdriver, or do you want other builders to help you? Then here's a spare!Simple and safe, building with cardboard has never been so easy.Everything is possible, from a gnome to a knight, from a creature to a castle, as happy makers recycle and...

    7,50 €
  • Makedo - Starter Kit, 36 pieces Makedo - Starter Kit, 36 pieces
    + 4 years old

    Makedo - Mini-screwdriver with punch


    We all know that the little ones love cardboard boxes, it's the first thing they play with.Have you lost your mini-screwdriver, or do you want other builders to help you? Then here's a spare!Simple and safe, building with cardboard has never been so easy.Everything is possible, from a gnome to a knight, from a creature to a castle, as happy makers recycle...

    1,00 €
  • Miniland - ECO Beams Building Set
    Free + 3 years old
    Out of stock

    Miniland - Pegy Bricks 100 piezas


    Manipulative game that helps to strengthen the development of spatial notions. It is an excellent resource to enhance the child's creativity and ensure fun.

    49,99 €
  • Miniland - Translucent Capital Letters Miniland - Translucent Capital Letters
    + 3 years old

    Miniland - Translucent Color Palettes


    Miniland offers us this classic puzzle to create recognisable shapes from 7 basic pieces (5 triangles, 1 square and 1 rhomboid), but in an innovative format. It is ideal for stimulating creativity and encouraging spatial vision, and as these pieces are made of a translucent material, they can be used with a light table to add a "WOW" effect to the...

    22,90 €
  • Miniland - Translucent Capital Letters Miniland - Translucent Capital Letters
    + 3 years old

    Miniland - Translucent Capital Letters


    Miniland offers us this classic puzzle to create recognisable shapes from 7 basic pieces (5 triangles, 1 square and 1 rhomboid), but in an innovative format. It is ideal for stimulating creativity and encouraging spatial vision, and as these pieces are made of a translucent material, they can be used with a light table to add a "WOW" effect to the...

    32,90 €
  • Sumblox - Mini Block Basic Set Sumblox - Mini Block Basic Set
    Free + 5 years old


    Out of stock

    Sumblox - Mini Block Basic Set


    Sumblox is a revolutionary and innovative set of 80 wooden numbers for creative building and imagination. Each piece is the physical representation of each number, so children learn the numbers, their meaning and value as they play by building or stacking.The mini size is the most appropriate for the youngest children's hands. Each number measures the...

    75,95 €
  • Sumblox - Mini Block Starter Set Sumblox - Mini Block Starter Set
    + 5 years old



    Sumblox - Mini Block Starter Set


    Sumblox is a revolutionary and innovative set of 38 wooden numbers for creative building and imagination. Each piece is the physical representation of each number, so children learn the numbers, their meaning and value as they play by building or stacking.The mini size is the most appropriate for the youngest children's hands. Each number measures the...

    41,95 €
  • HABA - La Aventura de las Tablas HABA - La Aventura de las Tablas
    + 7 years old


    Out of stock

    HABA - La Aventura de las Tablas


    Haba nos trae este juego en el que hay que poner en práctica las tablas de multiplicar a tope. Presta toda la atención que puedas a las cartas de resultado si quieres obtener un buen resultado. Variantes de juego cooperativo y contrareloj. Fomenta la agilidad de cálculo mental.

    31,99 €
  • UGears - Caja de tesoros mecánica, kit de madera 3D UGears - Caja de tesoros mecánica, kit de madera 3D
    Free + 14 years old
  • HABA - 3 x 4  ¡Zas!, juego de mesa HABA - 3 x 4  ¡Zas!, juego de mesa
    + 8 years old



    HABA - 3 x 4 ¡Zas!, juego de mesa


    ¿Se te resiste la tabla del 7? ¡Nunca más con el 3 x 4=¡Zas! ¡Calcular, calcular y agarrar los matamoscas! ¿Quién es el más rápido en cazar la mosca?  ¿Que las tablas de multiplicar son aburridas? ¡Agarra el matamoscas y verás! Cuando todos intentan golpear...

    37,99 €
  • HABA - Monza, juego de mesa HABA - Monza, juego de mesa
    + 5 years old


    Out of stock

    HABA - Monza, juego de mesa


    Todo el mundo preparado! Los semáforos están a punto de apagarse! ¡Los coches se preparan para correr la carrera! Avanzarás cuando consigas el mismo color que tu coche tirando los dados. En cada tirada puedes llegar a avanzar hasta seis casillas, si sabes combinar y por supuesto, tienes suerte con los dados....

    26,99 €
  • HABA - Código secreto 13 + 4, juego de mesa HABA - Código secreto 13 + 4, juego de mesa
    + 8 years old



    HABA - Código secreto 13 + 4, juego de mesa


    Esta noche dará comienzo la misión secreta «Amón Ra». El equipo, compuesto por cuatro agentes secretos muy astutos, entrará a robar en el museo y descifrará los complicados códigos del dispositivo de seguridad gracias a cálculos muy precisos. Con sumas, restas, multiplicaciones o divisiones,...

    26,99 €
  • Sumblox - Familiar Set + 80 sheets Sumblox - Familiar Set + 80 sheets
    Free + 5 years old


    Out of stock

    Sumblox - Familiar Set + 80 sheets


    Now 47 pieces plus 80 activity sheets!! Sumblox is a revolutionary and innovative wooden number game that allows for creative building and imagination.Each piece is the physical representation of each number, so children learn the numbers, their meaning and their value while they play by building or stacking. It has been designed so that the value of each...

    89,00 €
  • PlanToys - Cohete espacial apilable, juguete ecológico PlanToys - Cohete espacial apilable, juguete ecológico
    + 18 months old


    Out of stock

    PlanToys - Cohete espacial apilable, juguete ecológico


    3-2-1-Despegue!  Con este precioso juguete ecológico hecho de Planwood no sólo se divertirán imaginando historias espaciales, sino que también aprenderán a ordenar, contar, las formas y los colores. Construye el cohete apilando y encajando las piezas, coloca al astronauta en su posición, y ¡comienza...

    22,99 €
  • Plantoys -Figuras geométricas, juguete educativo Plantoys -Figuras geométricas, juguete educativo
    + 2 years old



    Plantoys - Figuras geométricas, juguete educativo


    Aprende los conceptos matemáticos mientras desarrolla la motricidad fina. Este juguete didáctico que nos trae PlanToys desde Tailandia está pensado para estimular a los más pequeños a reconocer y clasificar las formas y los colores. Fabricado 100% con serrín de madera reciclada dará muchas horas de juego ya...

    26,50 €
  • UGears - Tanker, 3D mechanical model UGears - Tanker, 3D mechanical model
    Free + 14 years old
  • PlanToys - Juego de apilar y clasificar anillos, juguete de madera PlanToys - Juego de apilar y clasificar anillos, juguete de madera
    + 18 months old


    Out of stock

    PlanToys - Juego de apilar y clasificar anillos, juguete...


    PlanToys nos trae desde Tailandia este juego de apilar anillos de madera para enseñar a los más pequeños conceptos como el tamaño, la forma o el color. Los niños se introducirán en conceptos matáticos básicos a la vez que practican su motricidad fina y la coordinación ojo-mano. Un estupendo...

    22,90 €



Despite the complication of acronyms and abbreviations, the meaning of STEM is very easy: it stands for Science, Technology, Engineering and Math, and it applies to educational toys that encourage children to improve their skills in these areas in a very easy way. Puzzles, challenge games, science kits or constructions are toys that help develop logic and critical thinking, as well as stimulate children's curiosity.
Learning by playing: a good definition for STEM toys