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On the island, a chase begins between the Great Pirate and the monkeys. Will the pirate manage to capture all the monkeys, or will one of them make it back to the ship with the precious chest?Of course, the monkeys can use special cards to hide in the palm trees, or run faster and can also return, while the pirate is faster but can't change direction...A...
In a small town far-far away, everyone is excited for Christmas. There are holiday lights in all the windows, the houses await the holiday all groomed up. Everything is so breathtaking that for a fleeting moment, even the angel got lost in the view. That’s how it could have happened that somehow a snow cloud got in her way… ¡The angel...
Learn easily the multiplication tables from 1 to 12 with this original set of gears. A real teaching machine, to learn the basics of mathematics. Illustration Londji Age from 6 to 106 years old Number of pieces 144 Material FSC paper and recycled cardboard Packaging Rigid cardboard box Box dimensions
Little Association de Djeco: un juego rápido, sencillo y divertido. Para iniciar a los peques de 2 años en los juegos de mesa: respetar turnos, seguir unas reglas básicas y socializar. En este caso trabajaremos la asociación, la observación y la rapidez. Colocaremos los 3 hábitats en el centro de las...
Destello, Astro, Flor y Espiral son cuatro unicornios que viven en el lejano País de las Nubes. Van galopando alegremente por las nubecitas de algodón, se deslizan por el tobogán del arco iris o juegan con los cristales de las nubes. ¡De pronto se levanta una tormenta! ¿Quién les ayuda a llegar rápidamente...
Djeco nos trae este juego sensorial donde el tacto y la imaginación juegan un importante papel para ganar la partida. Distintos animales todos con diferentes texturas, guardados en su bolsa, esperando a ser identificados según toque en la ruleta de la suerte. Anímate a descubrir un mundo de sensaciones táctiles jugando...
It's a rainy, gray day outside, but at home the cats are looking forward to a good time. The mice have invited them to play hide and seek. Finding the four mice of the color of your object and winning the game won't be easy. The mice are very naughty and won't sit still. The dog also wants to play... and always appears in the middle of the game scaring...
Djeco nos trae esta caja de 20 trucos de magia, con la que dejarás asombrados a los amigos y la familia. La práctica de la magia es una actividad que no pasa de moda. Bocas abiertas, ojos saltones y risas nerviosas son el denominador común de una sesión de magia. Cajas misteriosas, cartas mágicas, un péndulo...
In the land of the sweet creatures of the night, where the sun never shines, plants grow in an all-glass greenhouse, where tiny fireflies surround them with their bright light. The mischievous cat Green Giggle has managed to confuse the fireflies and, disoriented, lead them out into the open countryside. The creatures of the night must rescue them in...
A competitive game for two. Ed and his best friend Wolf have discovered a magic potion that makes plants come to life, talk and move! But now, in order for their new friends to survive, they need to gather the special components. Every night they sneak out in search of these special components. Time is short and the corners must be discovered one by one....
¡Un juego de habilidad que os dejará sin aliento! Sopla la bola para que se ponga en el pastel que te ha tocado en la carta. No os creais que es fácil, hace falta practica. ¿Lo conseguiste? pues te llevas un bocado de nata, el que mas bocados de nata tenga gana. Una forma muy divertida de controlar la respiración y...
Djeco nos trae este simpático juego de cartas del cuento de caperucita. Intenta construir el cuento completo con las 6 cartas antes de tu rival... pero... ¡cuidado con el bosque! ¡nunca se sabe quién puede estar detrás del árbol!¿Por qué nos gusta? Los juegos de estrategia sencillos como este...
Con un juego de memoria, otro de preguntas y respuestas y un tercero de fomento del lenguaje, el conejito burbuja de HABA hará las delicias de los más pequeños, y ¡querrán estar todo el día en el agua! Para divertirse jugando con los niños de 2 a 99 años. De 2 a 4 jugadores....
Panic in the kitchen! What a mess they have on the cooker... Can you give them a hand? You have to help the chef to find the ingredients to prepare the recipes.An original strategy card game Illustration CanseixantaMaterial FSC paper and recycled cardboardPackaging Sturdy cardboard boxCard size 7 x 11 cm.Box size 16,5 x 11,5 x 5 cm.
Era uma vez um jardim que parecia algo saído de um conto de fadas, onde as sementes plantadas na Primavera se transformavam em árvores esplêndidas no Outono. Gostaríamos de o convidar a tornar este jardim ainda mais bonito. Gostaria de se juntar a nós? Naturalmente, plantas e árvores precisam de luz solar e rega...
Coloca tantos palitos encima del burrito como puedas, pero... ¡ten cuidado! el burrito se quiere ir ya y lo mismo se cae alguno de tus palos!! ¿Por qué nos gusta? Tiene un formato ideal para llevarlo de viaje con su lata metálica de reducidas dimensiones Fomenta la paciencia y la socialización Potencia la coordinación ojo-mano y la destreza manual
A fun memory game in a crazy succession of sounds, gestures and imitations with which both children and adults will have a good laugh.Each player must perform the action that comes up on their card (wink, imitate a cat, bang on the table, etc...), but without forgetting to do the action that came up first.This is how we work on memory and expressiveness....
A brutal battle in which the first to find the words wins the deck. Prepare your vocabulary and your reflexes.A colour, starting with B... Bordeaux, white!A fun game in which we learn and practice vocabulary, it can be played in any language and is a fun way to expand vocabulary.It has 54 cards with precise illustrations with letters and 4 themes:...
Little Family, a fun shape and colour matching game specially designed with ultra-resistant cards for the youngest members of the family. From 2 and a half years old! Plastic cards for greater resistance to play and water.To place a card, it has to be the same colour, or have the same animal as the previous card.The first player to run out of cards......
HABA brings us a new self-correcting logic game: the new Logi-Case!Colourful, challenging and varied quiz games.Starter set, from 5 years old onwards.With LogiCase you have to figure out and solve the most diverse tasks: with the wooden pencil, the little ones can independently check if the answer is correct: Can you pull out the card or not? LogiCase...