Hocus Pocus!... or, even more recent: Patronum Effect!With this creative kit you can make your own magic wands and decorate them as you like. Your friends are sure to fall into your arms thanks to your incantations!Contains: 1 box 2 containers of modelling clay 1 tube of decorative cream 200 pearls 3 spooky spiders 2 glitter jewels 1...
What a party we've thrown in the tree to celebrate spring! All our friends have come: the greedy bear, the smug little rat, Little Red Riding Hood and the wolf, the squirrel, the monkey... there are so many of them that we can't fit them in the house!The best thing about this large 70 cm puzzle is that it is reversible: on one side you have Spring with...
Un libro inspiracional con las historias de 100 mujeres extraordinarias del pasado y del presente: de Frida Kahlo a Serena Williams.A todas las niñas rebeldes del mundo:soñad a lo grande,aspirad a más,luchad con fuerza.Y ante la duda, recordad:tenéis razón.Porque todas las niñas merecen crecer pensando que pueden llegar a ser lo que ellas quieran.
Haba nos trae desde Alemania esta linterna frontal con 3 leds para no volver a perderte de noche en el campo. Está montada en una cinta elástica, agradable de llevar en la cabeza Incluye 3 LEDs: 1 blanco y 2 rojos: a elegir entre luz fija y lámpara intermitente de señalización Resiste salpicaduras de agua...
What a tragedy! Rudi's farm is on fire!But it's okay, because the firemen's patrol is already coming fast and furious.Can you help them? You can't let the hose out of your sight, and you'll have to put the right pieces in their fire hydrants to get to the fire quickly. The one who succeeds will get a medal, and the first one who gets three will win the...
Take fun and fitness to new levels with the Little Dutch Jump Rope!With soft colours and a durable design, this rope is great for your little ones' health.Jump to the rhythm of fun and adventure while your little ones enjoy hours of active activity. The best part? It's so handy you can take it anywhere! Get ready to jump, laugh and create unforgettable...
El mayor deseo de Yomón es convertirse en uno de los dragones con los que convive. Para ello, tiene que recorrer los siete reinos en busca de los objetos que los humanos habían robado a los dragones. Durante el viaje para conseguir su objetivo conocerá muchas cosas.
HABA brings us a new self-correcting logic game: the new Logi-Case!Colourful, challenging and varied quiz games.Pirates Expansin Set, from 5 years old onwardsWith LogiCase you have to figure out and solve the most diverse tasks: with the wooden pencil, the little ones can independently check if the answer is correct: Can you pull out the card or not?...
Djeco brings us this colourful and original creativity and craft game. Create your own showroom and decorate your room with a touch of brightness and colour - your friends will be amazed!4 self-adhesive sheets to fill with coloured sand in the right order, 12 jars of sand in different colours. Why do we like it? This type of game develops...