Koalas can only be found in Australia. Specifically, in the east of the continent, where their main food source, eucalyptus trees, grow. They can easily eat a kilo of their leaves every day. And of course, from eating so much, they get very sleepy. Koalas sleep most of the time: 18 hours a day. You could say that koalas are one of those animals that look...
The unicorn is on the emblem of Scotland, and appears on the royal arms of the United Kingdom.Unicorns are believed to have the power of divine truth, and will not hesitate to pierce a liar's heart with their one-of-a-kind horn when the time comes.Do you want to start your collection with the Unicorn?
Rabbits have large ears. Their hindquarters allow them to make great leaps to escape from predators.Always vigilant, they live in burrows that burrow into the ground.They are considered one of the most harmful invasive species in the world and their introduction in Australia, where they have no natural predator, has been one of the saddest chapters of...
Meet Eugy Dodoland's colourful parrot! An ecological, different and fun toy. Made from recycled cardboard, this tool-free kit offers a unique building experience. Spark your creativity by assembling the parrot, which is sure to bring joy and light to any space. Ideal for creative children and nature lovers, make your world wilder and more fun...
Did you know that the giraffe is the tallest animal on earth? Their legs alone are taller than many of us, allowing them to reach speeds of up to 50 km/h over short distances and walk at around 15 km/h. They are between 5 and 6 metres tall, and roam the open African grasslands in small groups of about 6 individuals.The pattern of brown spots on their...
The lion, the king of the savannah, with his grandiose mane and imposing pose. Although he has long claws and an impeccable eyesight ready for the hunt, male lions do not usually hunt and it is the females that feed the pride.The male lion is in charge of protecting his hunting territory and his pride. His mane, besides aesthetic, fulfills the mission of...
The T-Rex was one of the largest carnivorous dinosaurs, it could grow up to 12 m long, and was one of the most terrifying dinosaurs of its time.Do you dare to start your collection with this Tyrannosaurus Rex?
Blue penguins are the smallest of their species, their height does not exceed 43 cm. Unlike their relatives, these penguins do not live in the Arctic but moved to the coasts of Australia and New Zealand.
Owls are nocturnal birds. With their large eyes they can easily locate their prey.They are very stealthy and can fly almost silently, which is very useful for catching their food.
The most typical animal of Australia. Kangaroos move only by hopping. They are marsupials and carry their young in a maternal pouch in their belly.There are more than 50 million kangaroos in Australia, almost twice the number of people.
Currently the largest land animal on the planet, the African elephant has spectacular dimensions: 7000kg, 4m high, and 6 to 7m long. They eat 5% of their own weight... every day! and they are super intelligent. The trunk is actually a very long nose that is used for sniffing, breathing, sniffing, drinking and grabbing things, especially things that can be...
Do you hear the buzzing? That's the bumblebee hovering over the flowers. They play an important role in pollination.One third of the food we eat is thanks to bee pollination.
Friend or foe? Blue Jays are incredibly intelligent and noisy birds that can mimic sounds of other birds such as hawk calls to scare conspecifics away from their territory, or to help other birds by alarming them that predators are nearby. Although these birds may have a "bad reputation," they are protective, family-oriented birds; these acorn-loving...
Cheerful, smart and fun-loving... loyal, stubborn and playful, the Eugy Corgi is here!The favorite of the cameras... and of the queens.Corgis are an active and intelligent breed of dog. Originally bred for herding cattle, sheep and horses, Cowboy Corgis have short legs, making it easy for them to crouch when necessary, and nip at the ankles of livestock...
The Mosasaurus, one of the most iconic dinosaurs ready to join your collection. Assembly time: 10-20 minutes Each piece is numbered Just glue them in order Non-toxic glue included
Did you know that sharks were already on earth when dinosaurs were roaming around? They have been around for more than 450 million years!There are a multitude of shark species, more than 450 different ones, and the ones on earth today are species that have evolved from the primitive ones.Sharks are very important in the marine ecosystem because they...
Polar bears are the largest land carnivores on the planet. Their habitat and hunting ground is the Arctic ice.As the arctic ice melts due to climate change, polar bears' livelihoods are increasingly threatened.Dodoland (Greaturenz, Ltd.) donates 10% of the profits from this model to a foundation that directly helps polar bears.
Brontosaurus: The largest dinosaur that existed in the Jurassic, more than 150 million years ago. If there's one image you think of when you think of a dinosaur, it's Brontosaurus. A gigantic long-necked creature with a very long neck and tail and a stubby body in the middle.Its dimensions are colossal: 4.5m tall (like an adult giraffe), but more than 20m...
Echidna, one of the few mammals that lay eggs.But their surprises don't end there, echidnas have a tongue up to 15 cm long that allows them to catch their prey. The electroreceptors on their snout are used to track food and their barbs serve as protection and camouflage.
Meet Eugy's platypus! The unusual appearance of this mammal - egg-laying, venomous, with a duck-billed snout, beaver tail and otter feet - puzzled European naturalists when they first saw it, and some considered it to be a counterfeit animal.Each recycled cardboard piece is carefully assembled following simple visual instructions. And once assembled,...
Zebras are like black horses with white stripes. They serve to regulate their temperature and each pattern is different and unique like our fingerprints.
he cubs are very playful and their mothers keep an eye on them all the time. They have a great sense of sight and smell.During wintering, brown and black bears can go up to 100 days without eating, drinking or eating anything.Imagine how hungry they will be after wintering!
Bald eagles do not suffer from alopecia, in fact they have quite a thick plumage on their heads. This name comes from an old English word "balde" which means white, which is how they have the plumage of the head, hence "bald eagle" It has been the national symbol of the United States since 1782.