Skill and dexterity toys, marble circuits and puzzles

There are 797 products.
  • Marbushka - Under the leaves, Boardgame Marbushka - Under the leaves, Boardgame
    Free + 5 years old

    Marbushka - Under the leaves, Boardgame


    Have you ever heard of the Untouchable Lake? Not even the bravest wind dares to raise waves on its dark surface!In this game you will have to sail across these strange and mysterious waters to reach Summer Island, where it never gets cold. To do this, you will build a suitable boat that floats on the water by means of magic in order to reach the island...

    44,90 €
  • Djeco - Little Circuit, juego de mesa Djeco - Little Circuit, juego de mesa
    + 2 years old

    Djeco - Little Association, juego de mesa


    Little Association de Djeco: un juego rápido, sencillo y divertido. Para iniciar a los peques de 2 años en los juegos de mesa: respetar turnos, seguir unas reglas básicas y socializar. En este caso trabajaremos la asociación, la observación y la rapidez. Colocaremos los 3 hábitats en el centro de las...

    19,95 €
  • Moulin Roty - Caja de música cofre Las Parisinas
    Free + 1 year old
  • Plantoys - Casa ecológica con muebles Plantoys - Casa ecológica con muebles
    Free + 3 years old



    Plantoys - Casa ecológica con muebles


    Plantoys brings us this complete eco-friendly doll's house from Thailand, made from 100% sustainable materials.The energy-efficient design of this eco-friendly house from Plantoys lacks no detail: it includes a wind turbine, a photovoltaic solar panel, an electric inverter, recycling bins, a rainwater collector, a bio-façade and a blind that can...

    270,00 €
  • Djeco - Batasaurus, juego de cartas Djeco - Batasaurus, juego de cartas
    + 5 years old
  • Lilliputiens - Noa, muñeco de peluche Lilliputiens - Noa, muñeco de peluche
    + 1 year old
  • Londji - Multiplications, Board game - Cucutoys Londji - Multiplications, Board game - Cucutoys
    + 6 years old

    Londji - Multiplications, Board game - Cucutoys


    Learn easily the multiplication tables from 1 to 12 with this original set of gears. A real teaching machine, to learn the basics of mathematics. Illustration Londji Age from 6 to 106 years old Number of pieces 144 Material FSC paper and recycled cardboard  Packaging Rigid cardboard box Box dimensions

    24,90 €
  • Djeco - Big Pirate, strategy game Djeco - Big Pirate, strategy game
    Free + 5 years old

    Djeco - Big Pirate, strategy game


    On the island, a chase begins between the Great Pirate and the monkeys. Will the pirate manage to capture all the monkeys, or will one of them make it back to the ship with the precious chest?Of course, the monkeys can use special cards to hide in the palm trees, or run faster and can also return, while the pirate is faster but can't change direction...A...

    34,90 €
  • HABA - Rhino Hero – Active Kids HABA - Rhino Hero – Active Kids
    + 7 years old
  • Plantoys -Figuras geométricas, juguete educativo Plantoys -Figuras geométricas, juguete educativo
    + 2 years old



    Plantoys - Figuras geométricas, juguete educativo


    Aprende los conceptos matemáticos mientras desarrolla la motricidad fina. Este juguete didáctico que nos trae PlanToys desde Tailandia está pensado para estimular a los más pequeños a reconocer y clasificar las formas y los colores. Fabricado 100% con serrín de madera reciclada dará muchas horas de juego ya...

    26,50 €
  • HABA - Unicornio Destello – El tesoro de las nubes, juego de mesa HABA - Unicornio Destello – El tesoro de las nubes, juego de mesa
    + 4 years old



    HABA - Unicornio Destello – El tesoro de las nubes, juego...


    Destello, Astro, Flor y Espiral son cuatro unicornios que viven en el lejano País de las Nubes. Van galopando alegremente por las nubecitas de algodón, se deslizan por el tobogán del arco iris o juegan con los cristales de las nubes. ¡De pronto se levanta una tormenta! ¿Quién les ayuda a llegar rápidamente...

    24,99 €
  • Vilac - Babyfoot Stadium, wooden toy Vilac - Babyfoot Stadium, wooden toy
    Free + 4 years old

    Vilac - Babyfoot Stadium, wooden toy


    Start warming up your wrists, because you'll need them in good shape to avoid any injuries!Because Vilac brings us this fabulous wooden babyfoot stadium, for 2 to 4 players, to spend fun times and hours of fun. The little ones will not want to stop playing even to drink water!Dimensions: 60x56x18 cmIdeal as a gift for children who want to enjoy a moment...

    86,90 €
  • Londji - 10 travellers, 1-10pz progressive puzzle - Cucutoys Londji - 10 travellers, 1-10pz progressive puzzle - Cucutoys
    + 3 years old

    Londji - 10 travellers, 1-10pz progressive puzzle - Cucutoys


    How many travellers can you count in this puzzle?1 on a scooter, 2 on a motorbike, 3 in a car, 4 in a van, 5 in a plane, 6 in a caravan, 7 in a school bus, 8 in a canoe, 9 in a train, and... 10 on bicycles!Play and have fun with these 10 progressive puzzles for the little ones to learn to count in a very visual and fun way. Illustration Txell Darne...

    27,90 €
  • Djeco - Eduludo Sumas Djeco - Eduludo Sumas
    + 5 years old

    Djeco - Eduludo Sumas


    Djeco nos trae este juego para empezar a trabajar las sumas fácilmente y de una forma muy divertida.Coge una ficha. Pon los dos patos en el charquito. Ahora añade las cuatro ranas. ¿Cuandos animales hay en total? Para comprobarlo rápidamente, dále la vuelta a la ficha. ¡Siii!

    17,50 €
  • Londji - Good Night, 3 in 1 tablegame Londji - Good Night, 3 in 1 tablegame
    Free + 4 years old

    Londji - Good Night, 3 in 1 tablegame


    Good Night, a nice and pleasant board game with 3 game modes: memory, relation and deduction: Memory game With all the little animals in their beds, you will have to find the ones wearing the same pyjamas. The families Using the house-shaped cards, you will have to find all the members of the same family in a single turn. The monster under the bed...

    34,90 €
  • HABA - Fuerza de dragón, juego de mesa HABA - Fuerza de dragón, juego de mesa
    + 5 years old



    HABA - Fuerza de dragón, juego de mesa


    ¡Una carrera de dragones! ¡No me la pierdo! ¡Si tienes la memoria de un elefante, te ayudará a llegar a la meta antes que tus contrincantes! Ves avanzando casillas si te acuerdas donde están las fichas que coinciden con tu casilla, y si aciertas... ¡corre! Para divertirse jugando toda la familia, de 5 a...

    10,99 €
  • Londji - Welcome to my home, 36pz reversible puzzle - Cucutoys Londji - Welcome to my home, 36pz reversible puzzle - Cucutoys
    + 5 years old

    Londji - Welcome to my home, 36pz reversible puzzle -...


    Everybody is welcome to Londji's house!A reversible puzzle of 36 pieces that shows two scenes of the same house: on one side we will see the outside of the house and on the other side we will see the inside, where we will know all the corners and the inhabitants that live in it! Illustration by Txell Darne Ages 5 to 8 years old Number of pieces...

    19,20 €
  • Djeco - Dúo mamá y bebé, puzzle de 2 piezas Djeco - Dúo mamá y bebé, puzzle de 2 piezas
    + 2 years old

    Djeco - Dúo mamá y bebé, puzzle de 2 piezas


    Djeco nos trae estos 12 simpáticos puzzle de 2 piezas para con mamás y bebés de animales de distintas especies. Cada pareja está protagonizada por un animal distinto, un adulto y un cachorrito. Un regalo ideal para iniciar a los peques en los puzzles sencillitos.¿Por qué nos gusta? Desarrolla la...

    9,95 €
  • Marbushka - The Forgotten Kingdom, board game Marbushka - The Forgotten Kingdom, board game
    Free + 13 years old

    Marbushka - The Forgotten Kingdom, board game


    This is an adventure game, starting in a flourishing kingdom where people lived in peace and harmony, where heroes fight for the starry memories of the Forgotten Kingdom. The wizard Khaos erased the history and froze the memories of the people and hid them in the darkest mine in the High Mountains, so that they would even forget their former beloved...

    51,95 €
  • Djeco - Tactilo Loto Animales Djeco - Tactilo Loto Animales
    + 3 years old

    Djeco - Tactilo Loto Animales


    Djeco nos trae este juego sensorial donde el tacto y la imaginación juegan un importante papel para ganar la partida. Distintos animales todos con diferentes texturas,  guardados en su bolsa, esperando a ser identificados según toque en la ruleta de la suerte. Anímate a descubrir un mundo de sensaciones táctiles jugando...

    26,90 €
  • Djeco - Lampara de nieve Avión
    Free + 3 years old

    Djeco - Lampara de nieve Avión


    Djeco nos trae esta bonita y colorida bola de nieve con luz LED de distintos colores que ilumina toda la habitación con sus detellos y brillos sin parar. La nieve brillante no para de dar vueltas durante el tiempo que tiene la luz encendida.Queda genial en el dormitorio de los peques y se apaga sola al pasar 45 minutos, por lo...

    40,90 €
  • Djeco Locktou, handling game Djeco Locktou, handling game
    + 3 years old

    Djeco Locktou, handling game


    Djeco brings us Locktou, a manipulation game with 3 little animals that have a different kind of lock under which they hide a secret. These locks will help them to train their fine motor skills and improve their personal autonomy: to be able to open the boxes with keys, the door latches and the metal hinged locks. A very fun way to learn, and develop...

    23,90 €


Children's toys.

With these classic games and toys, children will improve their concentration by solving puzzles, learn to excel with skill games and logic challenges, and have a great time building the Zig&Go and Gravitrax marble circuits. A complete assortment of games and toys for great family moments playing together.
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