Skill and dexterity toys, marble circuits and puzzles

There are 519 products.
  • Djeco - Tactilo Loto Animales Djeco - Tactilo Loto Animales
    + 3 years old

    Djeco - Tactilo Loto Animales


    Djeco nos trae este juego sensorial donde el tacto y la imaginación juegan un importante papel para ganar la partida. Distintos animales todos con diferentes texturas,  guardados en su bolsa, esperando a ser identificados según toque en la ruleta de la suerte. Anímate a descubrir un mundo de sensaciones táctiles jugando...

    26,90 €
  • Marbushka - In the garden board game Marbushka - In the garden board game
    + 5 years old

    Marbushka - Rainy Day, board game


    It's a rainy, gray day outside, but at home the cats are looking forward to a good time. The mice have invited them to play hide and seek. Finding the four mice of the color of your object and winning the game won't be easy. The mice are very naughty and won't sit still. The dog also wants to play... and always appears in the middle of the game scaring...

    41,95 €
  • Djeco - Lampara de nieve Avión
    + 3 years old

    Djeco - Lampara de nieve Avión


    Djeco nos trae esta bonita y colorida bola de nieve con luz LED de distintos colores que ilumina toda la habitación con sus detellos y brillos sin parar. La nieve brillante no para de dar vueltas durante el tiempo que tiene la luz encendida.Queda genial en el dormitorio de los peques y se apaga sola al pasar 45 minutos, por lo...

    39,90 €
  • Djeco - Incredibile Magus, 20 trucos de magia Djeco - Incredibile Magus, 20 trucos de magia
    + 8 years old

    Djeco - Incredibile Magus, 20 trucos de magia


    Djeco nos trae esta caja de 20 trucos de magia, con la que dejarás asombrados a los amigos y la familia. La práctica de la magia es una actividad que no pasa de moda. Bocas abiertas, ojos saltones y risas nerviosas son el denominador común de una sesión de magia. Cajas misteriosas, cartas mágicas, un péndulo...

    39,90 €
  • Plantoys -Figuras geométricas, juguete educativo Plantoys -Figuras geométricas, juguete educativo
    + 2 years old



    Plantoys - Figuras geométricas, juguete educativo


    Aprende los conceptos matemáticos mientras desarrolla la motricidad fina. Este juguete didáctico que nos trae PlanToys desde Tailandia está pensado para estimular a los más pequeños a reconocer y clasificar las formas y los colores. Fabricado 100% con serrín de madera reciclada dará muchas horas de juego ya...

    26,50 €
  • Djeco - Dominó Animales Djeco - Dominó Animales
    + 3 years old

    Djeco - Dominó reversible Animales


    Djeco nos trae este bonito dominó con dibujos de animales y puntos del 1 al 6. 28 piezas de un diseño exquisito para jugar y aprender. Juega a encontrar las parejas, úsalo de memo para encontrar donde se esconden otros animales, o como dominó de toda la vida. En la otra cara de las fichas vienen con puntos del 1 al 6 para jugar de otra manera al mismo juego.

    9,95 €
  • HABA - Logicase Starter Set 4 years - Cucutoys HABA - Logicase Starter Set 4 years - Cucutoys
    + 4 years old

    HABA - Logicase Starter Set 4 years - Cucutoys


    HABA brings us a new self-correcting logic game: the new Logi-Case!Colourful, challenging and varied quiz games.Starter set, from 4 years old onwards.With LogiCase you have to figure out and solve the most diverse tasks: with the wooden pencil, the little ones can independently check if the answer is correct: Can you pull out the card or not? LogiCase...

    16,99 €
  • Djeco - Little Circuit, juego de mesa Djeco - Little Circuit, juego de mesa
    + 2 years old
  • Marbushka - The Misterious Library, juego de mesa Marbushka - The Misterious Library, juego de mesa
    + 6 years old

    Marbushka - Glasshouse, Boardgame


    In the land of the sweet creatures of the night, where the sun never shines, plants grow in an all-glass greenhouse, where tiny fireflies surround them with their bright light. The mischievous cat Green Giggle has managed to confuse the fireflies and, disoriented, lead them out into the open countryside. The creatures of the night must rescue them in...

    41,95 €
  • Londji - Go to the pyramids, 100 pz history puzzle - Cucutoys Londji - Go to the pyramids, 100 pz history puzzle - Cucutoys
    + 5 years old

    Londji - Go to the pyramids, 100 pz history puzzle -...


    Come for a walk along the Nile and let's see how the construction of the pyramids is progressing! At the same time you will learn many details about ancient Egypt: The flooding of the river helps the plantations on the banks. And there are crocodiles in the river, so be careful! Discover the wonders of antiquity with the magnificent illustrations of this...

    28,90 €
  • Djeco - India Mágica, puzzle de galería 1000 pz Djeco - India Mágica, puzzle de galería 1000 pz
    + 14 years old

    Djeco - Magic India, puzzle gallery 1000 pz


    Djeco brings us this beautiful 1000 piece puzzle that once assembled is a real show for the eye.Djeco left the illustrators of the gallery puzzle series complete freedom, so that instead of directing the drawing to turn it into a puzzle, they gave free rein to their imagination.The result is a work of art in the form of a puzzle that decorates any room.If...

    19,50 €
  • Londji - Tea by the Sea, observation puzzle Londji - Tea by the Sea, observation puzzle
    + 5 years old

    Londji - Tea by the Sea, observation puzzle


    Let's dive into an imaginary, dreamlike world populated by special characters.Once you have solved the puzzle, we suggest various games with the 48 cards that come with it. This puzzle is a great tool for inventing stories, boosting creativity, stimulating the imagination and exercising observation skills.The game includes a 100-piece puzzle and 48...

    29,90 €
  • Djeco Locktou, handling game Djeco Locktou, handling game
    + 3 years old

    Djeco Locktou, handling game


    Djeco brings us Locktou, a manipulation game with 3 little animals that have a different kind of lock under which they hide a secret. These locks will help them to train their fine motor skills and improve their personal autonomy: to be able to open the boxes with keys, the door latches and the metal hinged locks. A very fun way to learn, and develop...

    23,90 €
  • Moulin Roty - Witch Fairy Doll - Once upon a time Moulin Roty - Witch Fairy Doll - Once upon a time
    Free + 1 year old

    Moulin Roty - Witch Fairy Doll - Once upon a time


    This enchanting fairy from the Once Upon a Time collection wears a pink cotton dress, a super-bright tulle veil, pink dancing shoes with satin ribbon and of course... some fairy wings.This doll will be the ideal companion for your little one, with whom she will discover a universe of magic, sweetness and beauty. By itself it also brings a touch of...

    49,90 €
  • Djeco - Puzzle Dressup - mix Djeco - Puzzle Dressup - mix
    + 2 years old
  • Djeco - Navy Loto, juego de habilidad Djeco - Navy Loto, juego de habilidad
    + 3 years old

    Djeco - Navy Loto, juego de habilidad


    Djeco nos trae este simpático y clásico juego de pesca magnético, de fichas de madera, donde añade una capa extra de dificultad al ser a la vez un juego de memoria con 3 cartas de números y 3 de colores.¿Por qué nos gusta? Los juegos de habilidad sencillos como este de Djeco ejercitan la memoria...

    23,90 €
  • Marbushka - Ed & Wolf, Board Game Marbushka - Ed & Wolf, Board Game
    + 9 years old

    Marbushka - Ed & Wolf, Board Game


    A competitive game for two. Ed and his best friend Wolf have discovered a magic potion that makes plants come to life, talk and move! But now, in order for their new friends to survive, they need to gather the special components. Every night they sneak out in search of these special components. Time is short and the corners must be discovered one by one....

    43,95 €
  • Djeco - Sardines, juego de cartas Djeco - Sardines, juego de cartas
    + 5 years old

    Djeco - Sardines, juego de cartas


    Djeco nos trae este simpático juego de cartas de sardinas, donde la memoria y la observación son claves para ganar.¿Por qué nos gusta? Los juegos de estrategia sencillos como este de Djeco ejercitan la memoria y el pensamiento a largo plazo Edad recomendada: 5-99 añosNº de jugadores: 2 a 4Nº de cartas: 50Tiempo de juego: 15 min.

    14,50 €
  • Djeco - Little Circuit, juego de mesa Djeco - Little Circuit, juego de mesa
    + 2 years old
  • HABA - Logicase Starter Set 6 years - Cucutoys HABA - Logicase Starter Set 6 years - Cucutoys
    + 6 years old

    HABA - Logicase Starter Set 6 years - Cucutoys


    HABA brings us a new self-correcting logic game for children 6 years old onwards: the new Logi-Case!Colourful, challenging and varied quiz games.Starter set, from 6 years old onwards.With LogiCase you have to figure out and solve the most diverse tasks: with the wooden pencil, the little ones can independently check if the answer is correct: Can you...

    16,99 €
  • Djeco - Caja de música Melodía mágica Djeco - Caja de música Melodía mágica
    + 4 years old

    Djeco - Caja de música Tinou's Shop


    Who hasn't had a good time opening and closing a music box, enraptured while a pretty little doll spins around and listening to a piece of classical music? A treasure box with three drawers to keep jewels and secrets within reach of any little one who likes good classical music, and to keep their most precious things in order.With several compartments of...

    47,90 €
  • HABA - Soplar el pastel, juego de mesa HABA - Soplar el pastel, juego de mesa
    + 4 years old

    HABA - Soplar el pastel, juego de mesa


    ¡Un juego de habilidad que os dejará sin aliento! Sopla la bola para que se ponga en el pastel que te ha tocado en la carta. No os creais que es fácil, hace falta practica. ¿Lo conseguiste? pues te llevas un bocado de nata, el que mas bocados de nata tenga gana. Una forma muy divertida de controlar la respiración y...

    16,99 €
  • Londji - Drac, Calm game Londji - Drac, Calm game
    + 3 years old

    Londji - Drac, Calm game


    Create the most amazing dragon in the world!A game from the "quiet games" collection. Made up of free play proposals, without rules or instructions, to create, experiment and learn.It allows to work on different important aspects for the child's development from a playful, spontaneous and non-directed point of view, allowing him to explore his creativity...

    27,50 €


Children's toys.

With these classic games and toys, children will improve their concentration by solving puzzles, learn to excel with skill games and logic challenges, and have a great time building the Zig&Go and Gravitrax marble circuits. A complete assortment of games and toys for great family moments playing together.