Board Games

Board Games

Board Games

  • Londji - Climb the mountain, strategy game Londji - Climb the mountain, strategy game
    + 7 years old

    Londji - Climb the mountain, strategy game


    Once upon a time... there was a very high mountain that no one had been able to climb. Who will be the first intrepid mountaineer to reach the top?A game of strategy and agreements in which you will have to build a path together, overcome all the difficulties and reach the summit.- Encourages the definition of strategies- Boosts spatial awareness- Trains...

    37,90 €
  • Djeco - Chop Chop, strategy game Djeco - Chop Chop, strategy game
    + 6 years old

    Djeco - Chop Chop, strategy game


    Djeco brings us this nice game of strategy and logic in which the mice will have to recover the cheese taking care that the cat doesn't catch them. A very interesting semi-cooperative game to play.Contents:- 4 mice and 1 cat.- 1 table.- 38 hard cardboard tiles.- 4 tiles/mouse boxes.- 1 board and 2 dice.- Game instructions.

    31,90 €
  • Djeco - Bata-Waf, juego de cartas Djeco - Bata-Waf, juego de cartas
    + 3 years old
  • Londji - Good Night, 3 in 1 tablegame Londji - Good Night, 3 in 1 tablegame
    + 4 years old

    Londji - Good Night, 3 in 1 tablegame


    Good Night, a nice and pleasant board game with 3 game modes: memory, relation and deduction: Memory game With all the little animals in their beds, you will have to find the ones wearing the same pyjamas. The families Using the house-shaped cards, you will have to find all the members of the same family in a single turn. The monster under the bed...

    34,90 €
  • Djeco - Batanimo, juego de cartas Djeco - Batanimo, juego de cartas
    + 3 years old

    Djeco - Batanimo, juego de cartas


    Djeco nos trae este simpático juego de cartas de animales, donde la suerte es clave para ganar.¿Por qué nos gusta? Los juegos de batallas sencillos como este de Djeco ejercitan el conocimiento de conceptos del mundo animal y la sociabilidad. Edad recomendada: 3-99 añosNº de jugadores: 2 a 4Nº de cartas: 36Tiempo de juego: 10 min.

    10,90 €
  • Haba - El monstruo de los calcetines, juego de mesa Haba - El monstruo de los calcetines, juego de mesa
    + 4 years old



    Haba - El monstruo de los calcetines, juego de mesa


    ¡OMG! ¡El Monstruo de los Calcetines ha vuelto a hacer de las suyas en el armario! ¿Quién será el más rápido en encontrar las parejas de calcetines en medio de este barullo? Los niños buscarán rápidamente en la montaña de calcetines... pero... ¡Maldición, los...

    21,99 €
  • HABA - Mis primeros juegos - Pescar peces, juego de mesa HABA - Mis primeros juegos - Pescar peces, juego de mesa
    + 2 years old



    HABA - Mis primeros juegos - Pescar peces, juego de mesa


    ¡Pica, pica, pescadito! Pero ¡cuidado! acierta bien y pesca del color que te diga el dado, porque si no, te quedas sin tu premio... Con juego libre, o mediante cualquiera de las 3 variantes incluidas en las instrucciones, tus hijos se lo pasarán en grande, casi igual que si pescaran de verdad en un lago o en el mar. Para...

    26,99 €
  • Haba - juego de apilar Tambalefantes, de madera Haba - juego de apilar Tambalefantes, de madera
    + 2 years old

    Haba - juego de apilar Tambalefantes, de madera


    Construir una torre de elefantes con este juego apilable de HABA sin que se caiga ninguno parece tarea fácil, pero ¡estos elefantes se tambalean que da gusto verlos! Los tambalefantes se pueden apilar unos encima de otros de una forma muy divertida. Sólo hay que dar con la forma concreta para que no resbalen unos con otros, y listo....

    29,99 €
  • Djeco - Fabuloso Magus, 20 trucos de magia Djeco - Fabuloso Magus, 20 trucos de magia
    Free + 6 years old

    Djeco - Fabuloso Magus, 20 trucos de magia


    Djeco nos trae esta caja de 20 trucos de magia, con la que dejarás asombrados a los amigos y la familia. La práctica de la magia es una actividad que no pasa de moda. Bocas abiertas, ojos saltones y risas nerviosas son el denominador común de una sesión de magia. Desaparición, transformación, ilusión,...

    49,90 €
  • Djeco - Little Circuit, juego de mesa Djeco - Little Circuit, juego de mesa
    + 2 years old
  • Londji - Creativity Battle, Board game - Cucutoys Londji - Creativity Battle, Board game - Cucutoys
    + 6 years old

    Londji - Creativity Battle, Board game - Cucutoys


    A stimulating drawing game where only your creative and persuasive skills can lead you to stardom.Beautifully presented, this game can be an ideal tool to break away from pre-established ideas, encourage visual thinking and stimulate the ability to express ideas clearly.In short: A game to learn to think differently! Illustration Londji Age from 6 to...

    23,50 €
  • HABA - Mi primer tesoro de juegos. La gran colección de juegos HABA - Mi primer tesoro de juegos. La gran colección de juegos
    + 3 years old



    HABA - Mi primer tesoro de juegos. La gran colección de...


    ¡Esta colección de juegos atesora los juegos más bonitos! ¿Quién sabe cómo ayudar mejor al campesino Tino? ¿Y quién sabe dónde se han escondido los descarados animales de la dehesa? Estos 10 juegos de reglas sencillas y corta duración posibilitan un acceso exitoso al mundo de los...

    39,99 €
  • Djeco - Juegos clásicos Shut the box Djeco - Juegos clásicos Shut the box
    + 6 years old
  • Marbushka - ¡Rápido!, juego de mesa Marbushka - ¡Rápido!, juego de mesa
    + 6 years old
  • HABA - Karuba Junior HABA - Karuba Junior
    + 4 years old



    HABA - Karuba Junior


    Tomas la decisión correcta en cada turno si queréis ganar a este juego cooperativo. Si consigues que los exploradores cojan los tesoros antes de que los piratas lleguen a la isla, o que los tigres te corten el camino... habréis ganado! Fomenta el pensamiento lógico-constructivo para buscar el camino más adecuado.

    31,99 €
  • HABA - El frutalito, juego de mesa. HABA - El frutalito, juego de mesa.
    + 3 years old



    HABA - El frutalito, juego de mesa.


    Un rico y vitaminado juego de Vera Baumeister, ilustrado por Reiner Stolte. En el jardín están colgadas las cerezas más dulces y deliciosas. Los peques tienen que ayudar a recolectar los frutos, pero el sinvergüenza del cuervo se va acercando sigilosamente... ¿Lograrán los niños recoger todas...

    26,99 €
  • HABA - El Rey de los Dados HABA - El Rey de los Dados
    + 8 years old



    HABA - El Rey de los Dados


    Haba nos trae este divertido juego de cartas donde la suerte con los dados es clave para ganar. Tomar la mejor decisión en cada turno hará que sumes para conseguir el mayor resultado y ganar la partida, pero cuidado: tendrás que prestar la mayor atención, ser flexible mentalmente y haber trabajado las series numéricas,...

    19,99 €
  • Djeco - Cartas Oudordodo Djeco - Cartas Oudordodo
    + 4 years old
  • Djeco - Cartas Familou Djeco - Cartas Familou
    + 5 years old
  • Djeco - 3 Chalkboards. Cuties Djeco - 3 Chalkboards. Cuties
    + 3 years old

    Djeco - Ludo & Co Jr.


    You can take this little case everywhere you go!! It includes a game of goose and a horse parcheesi, with simple rules for children from 3 years old.Contents:    1 double-sided 27 x 27cm board in 4 puzzle pieces    1 dice    8 coloured pawns

    18,90 €
  • Djeco - Gorilla, juego de cartas Djeco - Gorilla, juego de cartas
    + 5 years old

    Djeco - Gorilla, juego de cartas


    Djeco nos trae este simpático juego de cartas de Gorilas, donde la atención, la memoria y la observación son claves para ganar.Si has jugado alguna vez al Uno, este juego te será muy familiar.¿Por qué nos gusta? Los juegos de estrategia y rapidez sencillos como este de Djeco ejercitan la memoria y el...

    9,95 €
  • Djeco - Caperucita roja, juego de cartas Djeco - Caperucita roja, juego de cartas
    + 4 years old

    Djeco - Mistigri, strategy game


    Welcome to the magical world of Mistigri by Djeco, a card game that is an exciting adventure for little ones, full of charming characters and infectious laughter.In Mistigri, each card represents a lovable animal with a quirky name, and the aim is to match the cards to form pairs - but watch out for Mistigri, the mischievous cat lurking in the deck! If...

    9,95 €
  • Marbushka - Under the leaves, Boardgame Marbushka - Under the leaves, Boardgame
    + 5 years old

    Marbushka - Under the leaves, Boardgame


    Have you ever heard of the Untouchable Lake? Not even the bravest wind dares to raise waves on its dark surface!In this game you will have to sail across these strange and mysterious waters to reach Summer Island, where it never gets cold. To do this, you will build a suitable boat that floats on the water by means of magic in order to reach the island...

    43,95 €

Board games for the whole family

Board games are a fun and educational activity for people of all ages. From toddlers to seniors, there are board games
there are board games designed specifically for each age group. No matter the age, there is always a board game suitable for everyone.

Simple board games

Simple board games can be an excellent choice for fostering cognitive development and social skills in children and adults alike. In addition, simple board games can be a fun and inexpensive way to spend time as a family. Playing board games together not only fosters an emotional connection between parents and children, but also promotes conflict resolution and teamwork. So, if you're looking for an easy way to enhance your children's cognitive development and social skills or spend quality family time together, simple board games are an excellent choice.

Educational board games for 7 year olds

Educational board games can be a fun and effective way to learn new concepts and skills. For 7-year-olds, educational board games can be the perfect tool for learning skills in math, reading, spelling and more.
In addition, board games can be a fun way to spend time with friends and family. Playing board games together not only fosters emotional connection between players, but also promotes conflict resolution and teamwork. Therefore, if you're looking for a fun and effective way to teach skills to your 7-year-olds, educational board games are an excellent choice.

Encouraging Creativity with Board Games for 5 Year Olds

Board games for 5-year-olds can be a fun and effective way to encourage creativity and early learning. Not only do these games encourage early learning of reading and writing skills, but they also promote creativity and imagination.
In addition, board games can be a fun way to spend time as a family. Playing board games together not only fosters an emotional connection between parents and children, but also promotes conflict resolution and teamwork. So, if you're looking for a fun and effective way to foster creativity and early learning in your 5-year-olds, board games are an excellent choice.

Encouraging motor coordination with board games for 4-year-olds

Board games for 4-year-olds are a fun way for the whole family to enjoy. In addition to strengthening the emotional connection between parents and children, playing together promotes conflict resolution and teamwork. If you are looking for a fun and effective way to stimulate learning and fine motor coordination in your 4-year-olds, board games are an excellent choice. Not only do they offer fun, but they also aid in the development of important skills.

Benefits of board games for children

Board games are not only fun, but they also offer a number of developmental benefits for children. These games
help improve cognitive skills such as memory, logical reasoning and problem solving. In addition, board games encourage language development, communication and social skills through interaction with other players. They also promote patience, attention and the ability to follow rules, which is critical to academic and personal success. In short, board games are a fun and educational way to stimulate children's growth and development.