Plantoys brings us from Thailand this eye-catching and complete doctor's case, full of the essential accessories to practice medicine in a very professional way.It includes a device to take the pulse and tension, stethoscope, thermometer, reflex hammer, and of course, a syringe!Why do we like it? Encourages fine motor skills, eye-hand coordination,...
Juega a ser Llongueras con este set de peluquería, en el que encontrarán todo lo necesario para hacerse peinados ellos mismos,a sus amiguitos, a los papis o sus muñecos.Incluye un unas tijeras de peluquero, secador de pelo, peine, alisador, maquinilla recortadora, todo ello de madera ecológica, y con un cinturón de...
Plantoys nos trae desde Tailandia este precioso y original cinturón de maquillaje, ideal para los pequeños aficionados al mundo del arte, la belleza y la moda.Incluye un espejo, una brocha, un bote de perfume, un lápiz labial y otro de sombras de ojos, una paleta de color, todo de madera ecológica, y un cinturón de...
¡¡Ring Ring, Tienes una llamada!!! Con su pantalla-lupa y sus botones de vistosos colores hacen del PlanPhone un excelente juguete para el juego interactivo. Desarrolla también la destreza manual de los niños, sus habilidades cognitivas y sociales. El tacto de los botones es suave, silencioso, y muy divertidos de...
Plantoys nos trae desde Tailandia este práctico cinturón ajustable de herramientas, ideal para los pequeños aficionados al bricolaje y a los talleres de trabajos manuales. Incluye un martillo, un destornillador, tuerca y tornillo, un nivel y una llave fija, todo de madera ecológica, y un cinturón de tela reforzada...
Get everyone ready for the party! Make finger-licking cupcakes with this Plantoys game.Why do we love it? Helps develop creative thinking skills Enhances imaginative thinking Develops language and communication skills through social play Contents: A cotton mitten A wooden bowl A whisk stick A cotton pompom (the cream) A cotton bag for...
Play at owning a bakery with this bread loaf set! Made of PlanWood™, you can cut slices of sliced bread with the included bread knife. Contents: Baking tray for baking bread Rye bread (4 slices) Wooden rolling pin Bread knife Washable oven glove Flour cloth bag (with dummy flour) Kneading mat Wooden dough kneading mat This bakery...
PlanToys nos trae desde Tailandia este playset de la línea PlanWorld con una tienda de cuidados de animales. Cuida bien de nuestros mejores amigos! Este juego consta de una tienda de juego de doble cara, 1 cuidador, 1 gato, 1 torre, mesas, platos de comida, un armario y mascotas. ¿Por qué nos gusta? Fabricado con...
Plantoys brings us from Thailand this eco-friendly wooden dining set from the new Plantoys Orchard collection.It has been specially designed as an ideal complement to Plantoys dollhouses and their families.It includes a sideboard, a table and four chairs for the whole family to eat together.Why do we like it? Versatility and freedom to make your own...
Plantoys brings us from Thailand this eco-friendly wooden children's bedroom with bunk bed from the Plantoys Orchard collection.It has been specially designed as an ideal addition to Plantoys dollhouses and their families.It includes a bunk bed with bedding, and a folding desk with stool.Why do we love it? Versatility and freedom to make your own model...
Start your day with energy with the PlanToys shaving set! Contents: Toilet bag A comb One blade razor A razor One bottle One shaving brush A bowl for lathering A mirror A bottle of aftershave lotion A super complete toy!It's the perfect addition to any child's pretend play collection.
Are you a early-morning-milk-drinker and at most a biscuit? Then we're giving you a bad (nutritional) score.A good quality protein and some fresh vegetables are also a tasty and healthy breakfast option.Why do we like this? Boosts fine motor skills They learn the importance of healthy eating Develops communication and social skills.
Play doctor and learn about the human body with the surgery set! This set includes a velcro cloth where you can stick different organs: Bronchi Lungs Heart (with a sound button) Stomach (with a piece of food you can put in) Liver Kidneys Operate on your stuffed animals and friends with this set and become a real doctor!Also includes a cloth bag...