Marbushka - Perros y Casas, juego de mesa Expand

Marbushka - Perros y Casas, juego de mesa

41,95 €

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41,95 €

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Además de crear juegos bonitos y duraderos, en Marbushka se esfuerzan por la conciencia medioambiental y la sostenibilidad durante la producción de juegos y juguetes.

Con la excepción de la impresión y encuadernación, la producción de todos sus juegos están hechos a mano, así que tienen un menor impacto en el medio ambiente.
En Marbushka tienen preferencia por los materiales naturales: papel, madera y lona. Se usan pinturas naturales para colorear y proteger las partes de madera de los juegos.

Los juguetes Marbushka se fabrican principalmente en Hungría. Sus socios, proveedores, fabricantes y minoristas son pequeñas empresas familiares. Todos los productos de Marbushka se fabrican en condiciones libres de explotación.


Many of their items are made from discarded materials, which they recycle into new products. In addition to the environmental benefits this brings, it also gives them a unique appeal. They use a minimum amount of packaging in their products.

With the exception of some printed products, all Marbushka products are handmade, and this has many benefits; each product is unique, the quality is very high, traditional skills are maintained, and there is less impact on the environment.

They use only organic materials: paper, wood, and canvas cloth. They aim to introduce only organic products and work closely with their suppliers to achieve this.

They use natural fabrics throughout their range of games and toys, and the paints used comply with the strictest safety standards.

Marbushka toys are manufactured locally in Hungary. Its partners, suppliers, manufacturers and retailers are mainly small family businesses.

All Marbushka's products are manufactured in an exploitation-free manner.

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